Washington, DC – Shipment of non-human primates into the U.S. by the nation’s largest importers should be halted immediately because those importers regularly break federal laws, a national research watchdog organization said today.
SAEN, a non-profit group based in Cincinnati, said it has filed an official request for revocation of current permits and denial of future import permits for the three largest importers of non-human primates in the U.S. – Charles River Laboratories, Covance Research Products and the SNBL Corporation.
According to government reports obtained by SAEN, these three corporations were responsible for more than 75 percent of all US primate imports – more than 20,000 primates during 2006.
“Companies violating federal law on a regular basis should lose the ability to bring primates into the U.S.,” said Michael A. Budkie, A.H.T., Executive Director, SAEN. “These three companies abuse animals and have amassed more than 70 violations of federal regulations in a recent nine-month period.”
Budkie said that federal regulations allow for the revocation/denial of importation permits based on failure to keep animals in humane conditions or for violation of federal regulations.
The government reports and ranking statistics are available upon request.
Contact Michael Budkie at 513-575-5517 or 513-703-9865