“…shall not be allowed to serve food to a person who is obese.”
By Bill Jablonski~Puppetgov
The incremental slide into a controlled “nanny state” continues in America and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care.
Factories rain millions of pounds of toxic pollution into the air we breathe and subsequently poison our water supplies but heaven help you if you want to unwind with a smoke to accompany your drink at the local bar. You see, Big Brother thinks that is unhealthy and now socially unacceptable. The government has taken on the role of “behavior police.”
Most non-smokers seemed to rejoice at the decision unaware that it will be just a matter of time before they too are told how to behave as well. Something they enjoy may soon be outlawed.
Take for example the Associated Press article which reported a St. Louis-area town that is actually considering a bill that would ban swearing in bars.
This harkens back to Tipper Gore’s crusade against the music industry with the PMRC, a music censorship organization. The problem then and now is who decides what words are acceptable and which one are not. In 1985, musician Frank Zappa took on the PMRC when he testified before the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee. Zappa later went head to head with the hosts of CNN’s Crossfire discussing music and “acceptable & unacceptable words.”
The Chicago city council decided that goose liver or foie gras is no longer a choice for diners in the windy city. If they are really concerned about the inhumane force-feeding of birds then why did they stop there? Why not go after the much larger and real problem of Factory Farming?
Now there is a bill that was recently introduced in Mississippi’s state legislature that would prohibit restaurants from serving people the government determined to be obese.
If passed, House Bill 282 would require restaurants to follow guidelines set by the state’s health department to determine a customer’s obesity, banning those considered too fat to serve. A copy of the bill can be read here: HB 282-1.
People laughed years ago when they said they would outlaw smoking in bars. Politicians did it and they will continue to try and tell all of us how to behave unless we finally start standing up for our individual rights and tell the government to keep it’s nose out of our personal business.
How free of a society are we if our elected officials dictate our so-called freedoms. Question is, when will we have had enough?