There are two things to remember as hundreds of thousands of Americans are struck by this virus and Trump continues lying and pretending to be a medical expert
... One, if Trump had not fired the pandemic-response experts we would have had a science-based, effective response! The emergency equipment he has claimed for a couple weeks was already delivered and he had a "hunch" would be more than enough was pure B.S.! The medical workers are still begging for it and dying for lack of it!!SECOND, it is important to focus on the fact that as Trump blames his catastrophic failure on democrats, Obama and thieving medical workers... the reason we are suffering through this bumbling incoherent response that is causing such unnecessary death, is because republicans refused to honor their oath to protect and defend. The proof was provided that Trump was a corrupt, lying fraud acting like a mob boss! THEY CHOSE TO IGNORE THE EVIDENCE. From the beginning they have ignored the lying, greed and traitorous collusion with Russia. They joined him in calling the free press "fake" and American security agencies the "deep state"! THEY UNLEASHED THIS DISASTER and every unnecessary death is laid on their doorstep! #covid45