From Mike Malloy Website
...Has the war started? -- to quote Rhett Butler
The Civil War inside the GOP bubbled to the surface yesterday and popped up on our telescreens with an act of political courage by Republican Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona, who said what so many of his comrades are thinking privately, but are too afraid of being primary'd to say publicly. He took to the Senate floor and announced he would not be seeking reelection because, in a nutshell (so to speak), Trump is a psychopath. And as such, he could not explain to his kids and grandkids why he remained silent and complicit in the willful destruction of our representative democracy.
Good on ya' Senator. Now, who's next?
We are engaged in a new American Revolution. Not against a foreign invader (unless you count the likely Kremlin infiltration), but against a nuclear-armed usurper who exploited electoral weaknesses, incipient racism, and distaste for traditional politicians to seize control of the most powerful political office in the world.
Not scary enough for you? Bob Corker, the chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee is concerned this maniac might incite WW III. I doubt Corker says such things lightly. An early Trump supporter, he too has run out of patience waiting for some magical "reset" or "pivot" to occur.
Ain't gonna happen. Trump is Trump is Trump. Dead-eyed, as my grandmother used to say. A psychopath is a psychopath, there is no treatment. No cure. Hard-wired mental illness. We've been saying this for months. In fact, we have experienced a seven-year-long weirdly parallel psycho-dynamic in our own Girl Scout universe. We have been dealing with a serious behavioral issue with a (now former) scout in our Service Unit who has been an increasingly negative influence on some of the other easily intimidated girls. Repeated willful destruction of private property, malicious pranks on smaller scouts -- no remorse. Family in denial. I've had the unfortunate privilege of watching this girl's personality solidify into a permanently fixed position and there was literally no remedy, no way to ameliorate the situation or save this child.
It is scary to confront an out-of-control bully you know is incapable of change because ... that's just who they are. Incapable of personal growth, incapable of honesty or empathy or compassion, unable to admit error despite overwhelming eyewitness evidence of wrongdoing.
We spend our days swimming in this sweaty anxiety, never knowing what horror could be unleashed. Imagine a day at Trump's Day Care Center (aka the West Wing). He spends his waking hours glued to a wall of TV screens, Tweeting vile lies about Gold Star widows and reactionary threats against the other nuclear-armed nutjob. All we can do is cross our fingers and dig our nails into the seat, terrorized by this madman at the wheel. Hoping he doesn't wake up one day -- feel the noose tightening -- and decide to use his itchy finger to push the red button instead of the "send" button.
Wait, he's too smart for that, right? He's got better smarts than his Secretary of State, he bragged about it, remember? He's the most geniusy guy in Washington, knows more than all the generals. Certainly knows more about foreign policy than "liddle' Bob Corker" or the five living former presidents. Smarter than General Kelly for sure. He'll challenge you to an IQ duel anyday, just bring it on. He's got the biggest brain ever. Certainly has the biggest head. And hairflap.
Nothing dangerously delusional about that, right Trump-lovers? Flake worries about what to tell his grandkids." I worry if there will be any grandkids left to tell.
Trump invents his own reality and expects us to inhabit it. Worse, the only voice he hears is the fake news noise machine in his own head. He has declared war on the First Amendment, stating his desire to shut down networks and newspapers and silence free speech. Build walls, incite race riots, encourage police brutality, invite Russian interference into our political system (remember the call for Wikileaks to infiltrate HRC's email), wage class warfare on working Americans with threats to their health care and tax cuts for his uber-rich 1% cronies. Exploit taxpayer dollars on junkets in private jets for his elite inner circle, sell access to the Oval Office via MaraLago, attack war veterans in Congress and in combat. Dishonor and insult Gold Star families while praising White Supremacists.
This is a level of corruption befitting a true American Psycho. Now, what are we going to do about it?