City Killer Sized Asteroid Aptly Named .Asteroid 2019 OK. Barely Missed Earth this Morning What a crazy coincidence. Last night I uploaded three videos on asteroid and comet impacts. This morning we had an extremely close call. Asteroid 2019 OK ...
(Image by YouTube, Channel: Paul Beckwith) Details DMCA
I trust no one here needs an intro to perhaps the world's foremost climatologist; if I'm wrong, check out his website Paul had just done three videos on asteroids when out of the blue, this one just flew by, from the direction of the sun, which is why no one saw it till about a day before. Kinda like falcons who fly in with the sun behind them so their prey doesn't notice them.
This particular one came by at 19% of the earth-moon distance, aka 45,000 miles away. The closest one I am aware of, aka a hair's breath. Its cycle is 2.7 years, so I'm not sure why we didn't see it before, but it may well be the one with our name on it, as Molly Cruz has mentioned a number of times before.
This SHOULD be THE ONE to bring the nations of the earth together, with a common enemy, though I'd put climate change and abolition of nuclear weapons on the same level of importance. Paul keeps his videos to 15 minutes, but even if you just "jump through" you'll get the idea. In this case how you narrowly escaped death, without even driving your car...