Kamala Harris can revitalize the Democratic Party, and not a moment too soon.
(Image by U.S. Department of State) Details DMCA
As I write this, Joe Biden has just announced he is giving up his quest for re-election and is endorsing Vice President Harris to take his place. There can be no better news.
Kamala is smart, experienced and very capable of doing the job. She would be the best and easiest candidate the Democrats could put up to win in November.
First, she benefits from four years of watching President Biden run the country. Secondly, she would inherit Biden's strategists and advisors and, significantly, his campaign funds.
More importantly, Kamala Harris could energize the millions of long-suffering, discouraged Democratic voters. She would have the ability to motivate women, minorities and young people to get excited enough to get to the polls and vote in large numbers on November 5.
The enthusiasm coming from a vibrant, new candidate like Harris could easily change the course of this election. And let's face it, her intelligence, abilities and stability would present a powerful contrast to the insanity, desperation, strong desire to be a dictator, and old age of her rival, Donald Trump.
It is quite possible Kamala Harris could lead the Democrats to an historic sweep of the presidency, House of Representatives, and Senate in November. It won't be easy, of course, the rabid attack dogs of the GOP will throw every kind of fear, hysteria, tricks and lies at the Vice-President.
Her popularity will need a boost because Fox News and their right-wing allies have been working hard to destroy her ever since Biden became president, knowing full well that if Joe couldn't do his job for any reason, Kamala Harris would likely be the one to take his place. We know that the Vice-President will be viciously beaten up by the power-hungry cultists behind Trump.
Kamala has a lot going for her. Her experience is laudable, having been elected City Attorney in San Francisco, as well as Attorney General and U.S. Senator from the largest state in the country, California. She was picked to be Joe Biden's vice-president because she had the credentials, capability, intelligence and sensibility to take over as president after him. Lately, she has been prominent in the promotion of pro-choice legislation and women's reproductive rights. These very popular causes will help her candidacy, especially with women.
The fact that she is part-Black, part-South Asian, and female would have been impossible to overcome years ago. But most voters, having elected Barack Obama, and seeing success stories from all kinds of Americans of varied backgrounds in recent years, will likely overcome the problem that she doesn't look like the presidents we have been used to seeing.
It should go without saying that the final months until November
will be a time of intense anger, false advertising, and brutal unfair attacks. The Republicans, especially Donald Trump, will not accept the possibility of losing and will fight back with every tool they have available. The Democratic Party, more than ever, will need to aggressively battle the MAGA extremists, stand toe-to-toe against them and stay strong until a winner is officially declared.
If Democratic strategists can effectively expose the hateful, angry comments, and right-wing extremist agenda coming from the Republican Party, as well as Donald Trump's long history of crimes, racism, sexual assaults, incompetence, lying, immorality and disturbed thinking, then enough people will be able to open their eyes to the contrasting decency and competency of Kamala Harris and other Democrats. If that happens, it's not out of the question for a stunning sweep of the November elections.
All of this is within reach if Democrats can rally around Vice-President Harris and go all out to help her win the presidency. If they do that, we will finally, astonishingly, be able to see a brighter future for the Democratic party and the American people.