April 2, 2010
YSTEP-Press Release
YSTEP-Youth & Senior Theater Ensemble Project- is kicking off its pilot program this month in collaboration with Evanston's McGaw YMCA, Levy Senior Center and the Fleetwood-Jourdain Community Center. Presented by Counterpart Stageworks Inc., YSTEP is an intergenerational theatre based program that seeks to bridge the gap between senior citizens and younger people, ages 14-19, within the community by sharing life stories and creating an original one act play based on these stories. After five weeks of collaboration, the groups will present a staged performance for the public. Executive director Tim Rhoze comments, "Matching young people with older adults for the strategic purpose of promoting positive social interaction through the arts is a step in the right direction in closing the ever widening generational gap of misunderstanding and in too many cases, disrespect. YSTEP offers an environment where the young can benefit from the life experiences, academic knowledge and skill sets of the older and the older can benefit from the energy, curiosity and enthusiasm of the young." For more information contact Counterpart Stageworks Inc/YSTEP at (888) 753-1114.