The worthless American "centrist" and left wing TV media are again blissfully banging war drums failing choosing not to show the other side that is challenging the wisdom or reasons for violence.
Vanity Fair reports, in an article, "There Is No Military Solution Out of This Crisis": Progressives Finally Speak Out on Russia that after weeks of "near-total silence from progressive members of congress, on the spiraling crisis over Ukraine, they've warned Biden against any use of military forceand lodged concerns over sanctions."
The article further reports,
"We continue to watch Russia's threatening behavior towards Ukraine with alarm," Rep. Pramila Jayapal, chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and Rep. Barbara Lee, chair of the caucus's peace and security taskforce, said in a joint statement. "There is no military solution out of this crisisdiplomacy needs to be the focus."
"We have significant concerns that new troop deployments, sweeping and indiscriminate sanctions, and a flood of hundreds of millions of dollars in lethal weapons will only raise tensions and increase the chance of miscalculation," Jayapal and Lee said. "Russia's strategy is to inflame tensions; the United States and NATO must not play into this strategy."
I was going to just post this news in the form of a quicklink to the Vanity Fair article. But then I tried to find a video which showed anyone arguing against using violence or going to war with Russia. I couldn't find a single one. Not one. I looked to see if had covered this fact yet. They haven't and I'm not criticizing them for it. I'm sure they will, eventually. But they're not TV news anyway. I couldn't find a single report from any TV news outlet, not CNN, not MSNBC, not PBS.
I did find aCNBC piece on how a US invasion of Ukraine would cause gas prices to go up to $100 a barrel.
RBC's Helima Croft: Russian invasion into Ukraine will lead to $100 a barrel oil Helima Croft, Global Head of Commodity Strategy at RBC Capital Markets
(Image by YouTube, Channel: CNBC Television) Details DMCA
Imagine what a dollar increase per gallon in gas prices will do for Biden and the Democrats' election odds this fall. Hillary, as despicable as she is, got it right when she said it takes a village to raise a child. Well it takes a village of idiots to start a war.
Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Hayes-- none of them, and of course, CNN and NPR all say nothing, all choose to not give any voice to people who oppose the war. CNN loves to play their war drumbeat music as war nears.
Here at OpEdNews, we've published countless articles by David Swanson, Ray McGovern, Ann Wright, Medea Benjamin, Riner Shea, and many others challenging the wisdom and morality of making a violent confrontation happen. And over what, Ukraine joining NATO?
RT @McFaul: For anyone who has been following closely the NATO-Ukraine issue, Biden said nothing new today. Here's what one "Russia hawk" w… at
— TwaffleHill (@CovfefeTwaffle) January 20, 2022
The NYTimes published an article, NATO Won't Let Ukraine Join Soon. Here's Why, saying,
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