Nothing is quite as nauseating as watching the hypocrisy and hubris with which President Obama 'warns' the Russian president not to 'interfere' in Ukraine, telling the Russians there would be 'costs to pay.' It's a surreal move, echoed by his equally creepy and out-of-touch consigliore and chief "diplomat," the morally bankrupt John Kerry. Astonishing in its audacity and lack of regard for history, truth or facts, this bellicose blather seems aimed only at the idiots over whom he presides, the fools and tools in congress and the press, and his bought-and-paid-for lackeys in European capitals.
Outside the bubble, the sabre rattling is alarming and
threatening. Having stood the issue completely on its head, No Drama Obama
ignores how it looks to Russia, China and anyone with a skeptical mind. It is so
jarring that it leaves only two options: is he crazy or does he really want war?
That's why the Russian Senate, offended to the core, asked President Putin to
recall the US ambassador over Obama's remarks.
How oblivious or arrogant
do you have to be to spend $5 billion dollars destabilizing a country (the
actual total is undoubtedly much higher), have your diplomats caught on tape
planning a coup, bring a gang of fascist thugs to power on Russia's
doorstep--whose first order of business is to outlaw the Russian language,
conduct a purge of opposing parties, threaten the Russian-speaking population,
threaten to restore Ukraine's nuclear status and provoke and threaten Russia
non-stop... and have the "balls" to lecture anyone about interfering? Oh, add to
the pot that you have done the same exact thing in several other countries in
the past few years alone. It simply boggles the mind.
Continue poking
Putin by suggesting he is being a "bully" when he moves to protect the Russian
naval base, protect Russians, and listen to the wishes of the elected government
of the region who ask for his support--all as new protests erupted across eastern
Ukraine rejecting the putschists in Kiev, Russian flags were being raised over
government buildings, and protesters brandished signs saying "In Russia We Have
Brothers. In Europe We Are Slaves" and "Where We Are, It is Also Russia." This
is called an "invasion" by the people who bought and organized a fascist coup.
Bizarro World.
Maybe it's because I'm in the grip of the question the rest of the world is pondering: is Obama crazy or does he really want war? I can't get past wondering whether he is sleepwalking through his presidency, having given over control of his administration to a foreign-policy apparatus gone wild--or if he indeed believes the hypocritical warmongering crap that escapes his mouth. In short, either he eats babies for breakfast or he has no clue that he is being led by the nose by psychopaths.
This is an important question, because in either case Obama is perhaps the most dangerous man who has ever held the office he now has. His chief flaw is exactly the puzzle piece that shows him to be the least amenable to being a leader at this historical juncture. It is a horrific perfect storm, and one that has allowed him to blunder disastrously close to World War III on at least two occasions.
Any measure of the man has always shown him to be an extremely glib
politician. On watching an early Obama speech, my wife was shocked at what all
the fuss was about. She actually quoted King Herod out loud to the TV: "Take him
away/ He's got *nothing* to say!" Yeah, she's funny like that. But still,
glibness isn't always hollowness. We got more of a glimpse when he joked
casually about sending drones after any boys who had designs on his precious
daughters. Later, referring to the boys he actually did mow down with his drones,
he joked to aides--equally casually, we assume--that he never thought he "would
wind up being so good at killing people."
But the clincher for me is one
memory that still haunts me from campaign 2008: a late rally in some Florida
dump where Clinton explained (actually apologizing for going off script) that
Obama was "The Guy," because he had said to the council of elders behind closed
doors: you tell me what's the right thing to do and I'll sell it. At the time I
did a double-take, and it raised the hairs on the back of my neck. This is not a
leader, a president, or even a thinker at all, but a glorified and willing
Pitchman-in-Chief, a sort of real-life Clayton Bigsby selling an ideology he is
too blind to see.
It was a bit of the mask slipping... and it was
incredibly ominous. I felt it and said so to my wife at the time, but she had
checked out long before. She never thought he was anything more than a charlatan and
a prostitute - from the first time she heard him, actually. Damn, I envy her clarity
sometimes. It's like they made a clone of Truman in a test tube, only this time
not a hick... scary. Jimmy Burns led Truman around on a leash, and his
misplaced trust in Wise Men led to war crimes such as Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
among others.
In another famous example, Kennedy stupidly let the Bay of
Pigs invasion proceed, after being advised by "wiser men" that it was
already in the pipeline. However, he wisely vetoed air support, realizing that
is was a stupid plan laid out by zealots. Obama has neither the balls nor the
intelligence to pull off any such thing. There was a flicker over Syria in
August, but it appears to have been a mirage brought on by Russian missiles and
wiser generals. He has the fatal flaw which makes all smart men stupid: heeding
the counsel of fools and those with their own secret agenda masquerading as Wise
The zealots who have Obama's ear have been in power for a long time, and
they are the kind of fanatics who avoid scrutiny in public and accountability
even to themselves. They are so stupid or proud that they still see chasing the Russians
out of Afghanistan as their greatest triumph, and take no responsibility for
having created, from the ground up, the very concept of militarized global
Even cutting Obama the most slack possible, the fact that he listens to the zealots makes him delusional, a hollow man who issues idle threats. Logic dictates that it is the US that should be worrying about costs, starting with the billions already spent to set
the Ukraine coup in motion. That will turn out to have been a pittance.
Obama is
now a dangerous man being counseled by dangerous men. Just today, it was truly chilling to hear his smug, arrogant humiliation of a heckler, someone trying to shout a tiny bit
of truth through the noise. The trouble is, Obama may not be
lying. He really doesn't know what the guy is talking about--and, at what may be the most dangerous moment in history, he's willing to go along with whichever three loudest advisers tell him is the right thing to do. They have the plan, and he doesn't know it. The saddest and scariest part is that he doesn't even seem to know it. He's a true
button- pusher. Soulless.
In humiliating the heckler, Obama allowed us again to take his measure. It was a
friendly fundraising event, with full control and no opposition, and he could have
said anything he wanted, could have made some sensible retort. Instead, he chose
to be mean and demeaning, calling the guy a drunk and implying that he is crazy.
So now I have to add Bad Man to my measure of Obama. No lie lives forever, and some day his
uppance will come, as Stewie Griffin says. He richly deserves the place he has
earned in history, and I have lost interest in splitting hairs: enabler, dupe or
antichrist--take your pick.