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Without Bottoms/UP Reform the U.S. Government Will Collapse

Larry Fisher
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The economy, low unemployment and high inflation rates, has now exposed what neither party can afford to tell the American people, the truth! That is, how both parties used Congress' 1978 Civil service Reform Act (CSRA) to privatize the U.S. government by unconstitutionally changing the executive branches' civil servants from non-partisan and qualified to partisan and unqualified and hordes of politically connected contractors. Effectively, Congress' 1978 CSRA rescinded its 1883 Pendleton Act, that had once qualified the U.S. government as a democracy, to recreate today's unconstitutional version of our Forefather's spoils system that (again) rubber-stamps all levels of corruption! 9 FDA scientist whistleblowers said it best in a letter to President Obama claiming corruption within the FDA where their honest (non-partisan and qualified) civil servants now feared their dishonest (partisan and unqualified) civil servants, that he ignored, as did the last 2 presidents, Trump and Biden.

How else do both parties explain a 44-year (1978 - 2022) $29+ trillion spike in the debt, that went from a 1978/$789 billion debt total to its current $30+ trillion total, that neither party addressed, and that is now the root cause of today's untenable debt increases, inflation rates, and their citizens also growingly valueless dollars? Equally troubling, while they were redistributing their citizen's wasted $29+ trillion tax dollars back to themselves and their corporate cronies, whistleblowers were warning them that they were undermining their citizen's privacy rights, national security, financial security, environment, health/well-being, creating an opioid crisis, and much more, also to no avail.

The American people are still unaware of both parties' internal threats to their U.S. democracy because they also abused their secrecy policies, not to protect their citizen's best interests but to cover-up their own lawless and unconstitutional actions. Examples of their secrecy abuses include: (1) their Espionage Act to hide the privacy rights concerns of an NSA Booz Allen Hamilton contractor whistleblower (Edward Snowden) and NSA's civil servant whistleblowers (Tom Drake, Kirk Wiebe, Bill Binney), (2) their confidential business information policies to continue hiding how each president spends the American people's tax dollars, per an accountant whistleblower, and (3) their state secrets privilege policies to hide the FBI's national security blunders, per an FBI contractor whistleblower. The ultimate level of America's 2 hypocritical parties is how they did rightfully link Putin's Russian military failures with his military officer's fear of telling him the truth while they routinely eliminate their own whistleblowers for speaking truth to power, still under the pretense of a U.S. democracy, now also on the verge of moral/financial collapse!

There is no way of describing what happened to the American people's U.S. democracy over these last 44-years other than for what it now represents, legalized crime. Unfortunately, for both parties and the American people, their politicians cannot magically undo what they have already unconstitutionally done. That is, depoliticize 3 no longer functional government branches that allowed Congress' lobbyists to write corporate-friendly laws, the last 7 presidents (Reagan - Biden) executive branches' partisan and unqualified civil servants to rubber-stamp all levels of corruption, and while the judicial branches' U.S. Supreme Court (Citizens United decision) looked the other way.

The remainder of this document explains why there must be a 3rd civil service reform toreplace Congress' 2 top/down/repressive civil service reforms with a bottoms/up democratic business model (DBM) that exposes all levels of corruption on a real time basis, and not a 44-year, $29+ trillion spike in the debt after the fact. This DBM also legally requires this non-partisan and qualified government service (GS) civil servant executive branch to speak truth to power and questions any/all of Congress' laws, the President's/their appointee's actions, and any judicial branches' actions that impede their ability to protect/defend the Constitution, their citizen's best interests, and ends the wanton waste of their tax dollars.

Given the absence of a non-partisan and qualified GS civil servant executive branch, the below 3 sections also explain how this current major unconstitutional deficiency in the U.S government's operation is addressed via this much needed bottoms/up DBM to possibly still prevent the U.S. government's collapse or to at least minimize the impact of that collapse:

  1. (1) How both parties broke the law and undermined the U.S. Constitution
  2. (2) How each president hides how they spend their citizen's tax dollars
  3. (3) Without Bottoms/UP Reform the U.S. Government Will Collapse

(1) How both parties broke the law and undermined the U.S. Constitution

This section provides an overview of how Congress' 1883 Pendleton Act allowed each president's 1st level of political appointees to create sustainable levels of political/corporate waste and how its 1978 CSRA's addition of 2 more levels of political appointees (this time unconstitutionally) destroyed the American people's U.S. democracy.

Congress' 1883 Pendleton Act allowed the winner of each presidential election to handpick each president's 1st level of administration political appointees and whose only goal was to implement each president's political agendas. This is also why our Forefathers required a non-partisan and qualified GS civil servant executive branch that included 15 levels (GS-1 thru GS-15) of civil servants, with the GS-15 as the top non-partisan and qualified civil servant manager to educate each incoming president and their newly appointed political appointees regarding what is and what is not: (1) legal/constitutional, and (2) technically feasible to prevent the waste, fraud, and abuse of the American people's tax dollars. [The next section highlights how Congress' 1978 CSRA allowed Congress and each president to politicize the executive branches' fiscal sector to hide all levels of political/corporate waste and how each president continues to hide that waste, unconstitutionally, via their not so accurate federal budget totals, also conveniently with no money (audit) trails.]

Both parties also inconvenient political truth is this: Congress had no credible, legal excuse for passing its 1978 CSRA. Why? Because when President Nixon had Ernie Fitzgerald, an Air Force whistleblower fired for exposing $2.3 billion in Lockheed's C-5 aircraft cost overruns, Mr. Fitzgerald appealed his case to the U.S. Civil Service Commission (USCSC) and won that case only because the USCSC was not under the executive branch, and each president's control. Note also that in this USCSC link that both parties conveniently forgot to mention that fact because our Forefather's 1883 Pendleton Act/USCSC did protect: (1) whistleblowers, (2) its merit-based non-partisan and qualified executive branches' civil servants, and (3) the American people's U.S. democracy.

However, despite the fact that Congress had no credible legal excuse for passing its 1978 CSRA, Congress and the last 7 presidents continued to implement their fatally flawed deregulation, privatization, and outsourcing policies, to further undermine the U.S. Constitution by recreating our Forefather's 1800's spoils system in the following 2 ways.

First, the 1978 CSRA added 2 more levels of political appointees that were also over our Forefather's non-partisan and qualified executive branch. The 2nd level included the addition of its senior executive service (SES) political appointees. The 3rd level included Congress' option of allowing each president to rescind its prior 1883 Pendleton Act by now allowing each president to treat all formerly GS-15 non-partisan and qualified managers as GS-15 political managers, per Vanderbilt's Political Science Professor (David E. Lewis) and his book, The Politics of Presidential Appointments. Suffice it to say that Congress' politicizing of all GS-15 manager positions was key to unconstitutionally destroying the American people's U.S. democracy, and with the full support of the last 7 presidents.

Second, the USCSC's duties, that were intentionally not under the president's control (the executive branch) were now divided among the 4 below executive branches' entities that both Congress and the last 7 presidents did then jointly and unconstitutionally obliterate, as follows: (1) Merit Systems Protection Board: Congress defunded (2) Office of Personnel Management: President Ronald Reagan's political appointees secretly/illegally deleted the minimum college degree requirement from at least 4 OPM professional position standards for electrical engineers,accountants, auditors, information technology (IT) civil servants, and who knows how many others, (3) Office of Special Counsel: illegally decimated, and (4) Federal Labor Relations Authority, also weakened by President Ronald Reagan by firing all striking air traffic controllers, and as later presidents did, as well.

With each president's now 3 levels of political appointees (thugs/enforcers), non-partisan and qualified GS civil servants had 2 bad options. Implement both parties' lawless 1978 CSRA deregulation, privatization, and outsourcing policies and you were handsomely rewarded, or try to expose this federally-sponsored scam and you were retaliated against, demoted, fired. And then, your records against both Congress and each president were declared secret, not unlike Putin's Russian dictator, only now under the pretense of a U.S. democracy. Long story/short, Russia's troubled military and America's not too distant moral/financial collapse have a lot in common, an endless supply of greedy, greedier, and morally bankrupt politicians!

(2) How each president hides how they spend their citizen's tax dollars
While the timing of the political/corporate takeover of every sector of the U.S. government's operation varies by sector, it is important to understand how that most basic fiduciary failure occurred within the fiscal sector because both parties applied that same unconstitutional strategy across all sectors. Understand how this undemocratic travesty occurred within the fiscal sector and the American people will better understand the need for Congress' 3rd civil service reform and a bottoms/up DBM to now publicly manage both parties' politicians.

The remainder of this section explains how both legislative/executive branches have unconstitutionally worked together to hide how each president spends each federal budget over the last 44 years and even prior to Congress' 1978 CSRA, and that hides an estimated $2 trillion in annual political/corporate waste within each $4+ trillion federal budget.

Pre 1978 CSRA, Congress' Budget and Procedures Act of 1950 / Congressional Budget Act of 1974 records how both parties were ripping off their citizens long before their 1978 CSRA by forcing their AICPA's deficient accounting standard, not based on generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), on the executive branches' federal accountants. The net effect of their lawless acts was to prevent those federal accountants from creating the money (audit) trails they needed to identify how each president spends each federal budget, and the American people's tax dollars.

Post 1978 CSRA, the below examples highlight how this same illicit and symbiotic (unconstitutional) liaison between Congress and each president still exists today, thanks also to Congress' 1978 CSRA and its also privatizing and outsourcing of all inherent fiscal sector duties, as summarized below.

Example 1: 2 DOD auditor whistleblowers complained that they could not account for 25% of each annual DOD budget. President George W. Bush addressed that inconvenient political truth by reassigning those 2 DOD auditors to other positions to continue that waste and also violate the U.S. government's most basic fiduciary duty to the American people by intentionally hiding 25% of political/corporate waste within each DOD budget.

Example 2: In early 1987, an accountant whistleblower used his 396-page GAAP-based book, Principles of Accounting, Budgeting & Cash Management For Government, to lobby Congress and the Central Agencies (Treasury, OMB, GAO) over the need to replace the fed's manual/inaccurate processes with his automated/accurate GAAP-based process. During this same time period, that whistleblower met with Rep. DioGuardi (a CPA) to discuss his concerns regarding the federal accountants forced use of Congress' deficient AICPA non-GAAP-based accounting standard that prevented those money (audit) trails.

Then, on October 13, 1987, Treasury created its Financial Management Services (FMS) branch of 9 technically qualified civil servants (8 accountants/1 IT specialist) and made that accountant whistleblower the lead systems accountant and that worked in liaison with both OMB and GAO. However, instead of critiquing his book (and modifying if necessary) to implement that GAAP-based public sector accounting standard, those 9 fiscal sector civil servants were required to implement 2 non-GAAP software packages to continue this same intentional fiduciary failure, all over again.

Long story/short, Treasury created its very public FMS branch to give the false public impression that both parties wanted accurate federal budget totals but that both parties and their 2 legislative and executive branches then did secretly undermine in the following ways.

At the legislative branch level: Rep. Joe DioGuardis, the author of the 1990 Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act, ignored that accountant whistleblower's warnings and created a now AICPA controlled FASAB (Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board) to once again force Congress' AICPA's non-GAAP-based standard on all federal accountants. Congress' 1990 CFO Act also legally required that GAO conduct annual audits to certify the accuracy of the President's executive branches' federal budget totals, aka the U.S. government's consolidated financial statements (CFSs), starting in 1997, that both parties also never addressed, ignored, and covered-up; see below paragraph, "Both parties' intentional fiduciary failures/cover-ups."

At the executive branch level: After October 13, 1987, President Ronald Reagan's political appointees used the 1978 CSRA's newly created Office of Personnel Management (OPM), see Section 1 above, to delete the minimum college degree requirement from OPM's federal accountant, auditor, and IT professional positions standards. And then, over the next 35 years (1987 - 2022), the fiscal sector was gradually and unconstitutionally changed to partisan/ unqualified and 4 financial management contractor (FMC) types [AICPA accounting, AICPA auditing, IT, and management firms], via the 1978 CSRA's privatizing/ outsourcing policies. The taxpayer cost of both parties' 4 FMC-types is $10 billion annually.

Then, over the next 35 years, the American people's wasted $350 billion tax dollars were redistributed back to both parties and all 4 corporate FMC types to "prevent" those money (audit) trails, continue to hide how each president spends each federal budget, and a snippet of that so far $29+ trillion spike in the debt total.

Both parties intentional fiduciary failures/cover-ups
As noted above, per the 1990 CFO Act, GAO is required to audit the accuracy of the executive branches' federal budget totals, starting in 1997. GAO's March 2021 testimony to President Joe Biden/Congress concedes that GAO could not certify the accuracy of the executive branches' federal budget totals (CFSs) for the 25th (1997 - 2021) consecutive year. The big question is why did both Congress and 5 presidents (Clinton - Biden) fail to address this most basic fiduciary failure, breach of trust to the American people, and the still-hidden and unaddressed internal financial/economic security threats to the U.S. government that both parties did (alone) create!

Both Congress and President Joe Biden must now also explain publicly why they violated the 1990 CFO Act, that legally requires GAO's annual testimony be given to the President/ Congress to ensure that they fulfill their most basic fiduciary duty to the American people by ensuring accurate federal budget totals. However, both President Joe Biden and Congress have now illegally undermined Congress' own 1990 CFO Act, per GAO's August 2022 testimony, by illegally downgrading their fiduciary duties and now pawning them off on their 2 politically-controlled political appointees, the Secretary of the Treasury and the Director of the Office of Management. Why?

(3) Without Bottoms/UP Reform the U.S. Government Will Collapse
There is no way to describe what happened to the American people's U.S. government over these last 44 years other than for what it now is, legalized crime! This is also why the American people cannot afford to demand anything less than Congress' 3rd civil service reform that replaces its 2 top/down/repressive civil service reforms with a bottoms/up democratic business model (DBM) that legally requires: (1) the recreation of a non-partisan and qualified GS civil servant executive branch to requalify the U.S. government as a democracy, and (2) the use of that newly recreated executive branch to now speak truth to power and to question any/all of Congress' laws, the President's/their appointee's actions, and the judicial branches' actions that impede their ability to protect/defend the Constitution, their citizen's rights/best interests, and prevent the wanton waste of their citizen's tax dollars, now estimated at 50% of each $4+ trillion federal budget.

Absent our Forefather's constitutionally required non-partisan and qualified GS civil servant executive branch, the only way to still prevent the U.S. government's collapse is with the American people's demands to require a public commitment from both parties to work with whistleblowers to recreate a U.S. democracy that this time is beyond reproach. Why whistleblowers? Because whistleblowers know which laws undermined the U.S. democracy and the operational changes that are needed to counter the additional inbred weaknesses that Congress' 1978 CSRA did create where all 3 government branches no longer work for the American people but solely for both parties' corrupt politicians and corporations.

This effort has already begun with the creation of the Restructuring the U.S. Government website and that includes 40+ loosely knit whistleblower scientists, doctors, engineers, lawyers, IT specialists, the military, accountants, auditors, contract specialists, and other varied disciplines. These whistleblowers are an invaluable resource for jump starting this bottoms/up DBM effort, starting with President Joe Biden and that must include both parties to implement these summary-level goals/objective as well as the still unaddressed technical concerns of those 40+ whistleblowers, also key to ending these untenable debt increases, inflation rates, and the American people's growingly valueless dollars.

This is also why the above accountant whistleblower took it upon himself to identify the detailed 25 citizen-based government reforms (CBGRs) that are needed to implement a GAAP-based process, and to accurately account for how each president spends each federal budget. His sole intent for defining these 25 CBGRs was to have those 40+ whistleblowers, with their varied technical backgrounds, to add to those CBGRs to complete a single consolidated list of citizen-based government reforms (CLCBGRs) to present to President Joe Biden, to then publicly discuss with the American people. The RUSG's companion website is the Taxpayers Government Accounting Reform (TGAR) and a Government Reform page that includes that information, along with a Home page, and Political Appointee Waste page that includes addition informational involving the need for this bottoms/up DBM effort. The above 2 whistleblower websites also highlight why these whistleblowers are key to: (1) identifying the politically-connected contractors that must be fired to end these untenable debt increases/inflation rates, and (2) change the executive branch back to non-partisan and qualified in an orderly/timely fashion.

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I graduated from Michigan Technological University (MTU) in June 1968 with a BSBA in accounting and have been a federal accountant for 40 years, mostly as a whistleblower, now 11 years retired. During the period 1980 - 1986, as the Veterans (more...)

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