The Obama administration made a decision, early on not to do the ONE thing George W. Bush did right... replace all U.S. Attorneys, no exceptions.
Bush replaced all U.S. Attorneys appointed by Clinton with career Assistant U.S. Attorneys until the prospective Presidentially selected U.S. Attorney was named by the White House. At that point the prospective Presidential U.S. Attorney was nominated and named Interim U.S. Attorney, replacing the temporary career AUS/ U.S. Attorney, and of course, the former was soon confirmed in each case.
The Clinton administration did it a little differently. Contrary to propaganda, the Bush I, U.S. Attorneys were NOT fired wholesale. Most, as most have always done, left soon after January 20. Those who remained were replaced when their successors were NOMINATED, when the successors' names were sent to the Senate. The incoming U S Attorneys, upon nomination, became Interim U.S. Attorneys in their respective districts. Then, when confirmed, usually two to four months later, became Presidentially appointed U.S. Attorneys.
IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT WHAT THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION IS DOING. The current administration is not naming nominees for Interim U.S. Attorney. They are leaving the old Bush incumbents in office until their successors are both nominated and confirmed.
NO administration has ever followed this procedure before. That is why there is no end in sight to the delays. Whatever happened to the mantra of the primaries – "Change"?
We must, once again, rally the troops and demand "Change" in our Justice Department!
Email AG Eric Holder
Email President Obama
Attorney General Eric Holder phone: 202.514.2001 fax: (202) 307-6777
Call the White House at this toll free number: 800-833-6354
Here are three more actions you can take quickly to make your voice heard on Capitol Hill:
Thank you for taking action... once again.