The big news of the debate last night is that Trump may not accept the results of the election. It sounded like sore loserism, since presumably he won't challenge the election if he wins. But Trump was right to question the possible results of the election.
Because Gore v. Bush changed everything.
That contested election brought technological and verification changes to every state. It brought the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), which is anything but because it introduced paperless unverifiable, easily hackable "black box" machines. These have been photographed flipping votes, test-hacked by numerous computer hackers with little difficulties.
Just this past weekend, a Republican campaign office was fire-bombed. A spokeswoman had said they had absentee ballots - a clear violation, a felony, of voting ballot protocol - t hough the RNC later denied it. The ATF and FBI are looking into the firebombing, but will they look into why their were ballots in a partisan location too?
Trump is wrong about a lot of things, but not this one.