The present conflict in Middle East has further complicated the situation in the world. New President of the United States Barack Obama will be facing great difficulties in controlling the situation, which is worsening with each passing day. It is not unclear whether Obama will succeed in establishing one world order in the coming days, but this is the desire of billions of people that there must be rule of law in the whole world. There must be one world order.
Whether they have been living in the United States, India or Pakistan, are the same. They have been just playing dirty politics on the war. According to the elders of tribal areas, rulers are deaf and blind, therefore, they have not been hearing the cries of mothers, sisters and daughters, whose dear and near ones are being killed in the fighting.
Terrorists have always been using the human beings as shield for achieving their ulterior motives. I have worked on the terrorism for the last five years. I am living among the terrorists, therefore, I know their mentality. They have used human beings as shield in Bajaur Agency, tribal areas situated on Pak-Afghan. They are doing the same in Palestine. Israel is doing the same as did Pakistan in tribal areas.
There will be no denying the fact that terrorists have been enjoying the support of world rulers. The rulers have been providing weapons to the terrorists. It is interesting to note that the terrorists have always been created by the rulers. Then the rulers get the task of eliminating them. I have seen with my own eyes that the rulers of Pakistan have created terrorists in tribal areas and then get the task of their elimination. During the conflict in Bajaur Agency thousands of people have been killed or maimed.
Who has created Hamas? Who is providing support to the organisation? I think Arab rulers have been providing all types of support to Hamas. Here the question arises why they have been doing this? Actually the rulers want that there must be distrubance in the world. In a peaceful world they see no role for themselves. Therefore, they have been supporting terrorist organisations.
It is heartening to note here that new US President Obama is enjoying the support of peace lovers. He is enjoying the support of the poor. The poor people of Bajaur Agency, who have been leading a miserable life in the refugee camps, are praying for his success. According to them, Obama instead of relying on the corrupt rulers should reach to the poor directly.