If the Republican Party is made up mostly of former business leaders, why can't they manage anything when they are in charge of the government. Take for example "Great job Brownie" when the agency supposed to be helping people instead was preventing any aid from getting to the people of N.O. How about the statement on 9/10 that over two billion was unaccounted for in the Pentagon, however nothing was ever done to find that money. How about cutting taxes while spending billions for a couple of dumb wars? Or having prior knowledge the housing bubble problem from industry insiders and enforcement people who were not allowed to take action. Then instead of action to safeguard pension funds and the people being hurt they did what the President of Vice Chaney recommended and bailed out the very people who should have gone to jail for their pyramid schemes. But then the Republican party has been for sale to the highest bidder ever since President Grant took office. I hate to say it but the Democrats have joined them in HOG HEAVEN.
Since neither party represents the poor working stiff who is the target of the banksters and Wall Street Racketeers, which small party's should step up and replace them? Why haven't we like the United Kingdom and others limited campaigning to thirty days before the vote? That and mandatory public financing of campaigns?
Remember the business of government is not to funnel money to the richest of the rich. It is now and has been since the first city state twofold, first to do what any individual in the state couldn't or wouldn't do themselves and second to protect the people from both themselves and outsiders. So they built the city walls, provided for soldier/ cops and regulated trade. The business of government is to collect taxes to do all these things. Why can't the government do the same thing today?