The Arab/Moslem murderers are terrorizing us in multiple
ways. No place seems to be safe from their reach. Our efforts to stop their
attacks are failing. Heightened security measures and greater control over weapon
purchases by suspected terrorists represent, at best, only partial answers.
Many theories were advanced to provide the basis and motivations for such attacks. One theory says that Moslems/Arabs hate our freedoms and our way of life. This is laughable. If I don't like your freedom or way of life, I may hate you but will not give my life to kill you and your family. Another theory is that the Islamic State is planning to destroy the United States and the West and replace those governments with an Islamic caliphate where Islam and Sharia rule. This is just as crazy. These people hardly have enough military strength to keep about thirty thousand people under control.
It is relatively easy to see what makes the Moslem/Arabs angry with the West in the general and the United States in particular. No body can give me a real reason why we are bombing the hell out of the Middle East these days. Every single day we are killing hundreds, if not thousands, of Moslems/Arabs though incessant bombing runs, drones or direct combat. Those we kill are people just like us. They have families, they have children and they have feelings. In Iraq alone, we have murdered over half a million Iraqis. The death toll in Syria is over 300,000 and climbing. Why are we doing this killing? Is it to limit the expansion of the Islamic State into Wisconsin or California? In reality, why do we care if the Islamic state controls more territory in Syria or Iraq?
Is our involvement designed to protect the Assad regime in Syria or the Al-Abadi regime in Iraq? Are we protecting the monarchies in Saudi Arabia or Jordan? Are we saving Israel? Whether or not we approve of the systems of government in the Middle East, it is not up to us to replace or defend them. It is up to the Moslem/Arabs to rule themselves. We need to save our energies and use them to solve our own serious problems that are more threatening to our democracy and future. We need to give more attention to our decaying infrastructure and find solutions to our growing wealth inequality that is decimating our economy. Let the Moslems/Arabs deal with their own problems.
Our interference in the Middle East does not help anybody. Our war in Iraq was a total disaster no matter what angle you use to look at it. Our role in Libya was a clear failure. We did not make the situation in Syria any better. The only thing that we did successfully is that we ensured that the masses of Moslems and Arabs in the Middle East have good reason to hate us and find ways to exact some revenge on us. Those of us of Islamic or Arabic roots always feel the pain and rage when we hear of our relatives and close friends being killed in aircraft or drone attacks in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan"etc. Mateen who committed the Orlando massacre said in his telephone call to 911: "the reason why he was doing this is because he wants America to stop bombing his country." This demonstrates that his primary motive for his terror attack was retaliation for the U.S. aggression in Afghanistan, where over 100,000 have been killed since the U.S. invasion in 2001.
If the Moslems/Arabs still living in the Middle East were to hold vigils for those killed by the West, it will be at least far larger that the one being held in Orlando for the killing of 50 people or in France for the murder of 150 French. Comparatively, Moslem vigils would involve the entire Moslem world of 1.6 billion people.
Perhaps we should reconsider what we are doing in the Middles East. We cannot get away with murder. Those Moslems are people just like us. They have feelings, families, children, hopes and desires. If we continue to kill them, we should expect revenge. Their revenge may not come in the form of drone attacks or aircraft bombing of Washington, Paris or London, but in the form of terrorist attacks here at home in Orlando or some other town. I often wonder who the real terrorists are: those who kill in the hundreds or those who kill in the hundreds of thousands?