Since we, and I mean "we the people," elected America's first Black president in 2008 (even though I'm sure you did not vote for him; so you're in the minority), you and your Republican colleagues have been working overtime to make him fail. During his first term, you even said ever so pompously that you'll make it your life's work and duty to make him "a one-term president" as if you were the Great American Decider-in-Chief. Well, we now know where all that hot air and mouthing off got you. You failed miserably. You became a national embarrassment. A surripitous laughing stock.
I guess nobody ever told you that your job as a United States Senator (please refer to your job description) was and is NOT to decide who gets to sleep in the White House as President of the United States. That's OUR job, "we the people." We elect the president, you, and the members of the Senate. So your arrogance and self-righteousness in daring to supersede the will of the American people and their decision on who or who not to elect to higher office is so part of your "white male entitlement" belief system that has so blinded and clouded your already prejudicial judgment.
So instead of doing the sensible thing -- find common ground -- you stubbornly dug in your heels. Mitch, may I call you that? You could have really distinguished yourself and even made a name for yourself as a consensus building leader. But for the two things that still, even today, stand in your way -- your hatred for Barack Obama and your fear of the Republican base, especially those Tea Party zealots. See, that's why you laughed and tittered in your hands when one Donald J. Trump was spewing his unique brand of rubbish at President Obama, questioning his American citizenship, and thus his legitimacy to be president.
You did not condemn him then as all was fair game in attacking President Obama whom you never respected as a legitimate and elected president by "we the people." You could not even wrap your ample skull around the fact that he was elected TWICE by the same people that you so despise. You see, I know this because you keep speaking about the American people as if they're living somewhere in the far reaches of the universe and not right here in your home state of Kentucky and elsewhere in America.
By the way Mitch, how is your home state doing? I hear that its one of the ten poorest states in the union and that this all happened under your watch. And how's the coal industry doing there? Hear lots of people have been getting sicker and sicker over the years. And, I'm not one to repeat rumors Mitch, but I hear you're doing pretty well for yourself these days what with alleged seven figure incomes and the like. Good for you!
But I have to tell you Mitch that I don't particularly care for sheep. You know, a ruminant quadruped woolly mammal considered to be largely unintelligent (sorry, my definition, Mitch). Besides they bleat too much for my liking, thank you. You Mitch, remind me of sheep. You go with the flow, just as sheep do when plodded. On cue, you make the right bleating noises, just like all sheep do. You're not the brightest bulb in the senate, a grave disadvantage when dealing with other independent minded and assertive types who don't like plodding. And you're easily led and influenced.
That's how you arrived at the conclusion that President Obama's nominee to the Supreme Court was not supported by the National Rifle Association (NRA) so you're right to oppose the president's pick. Only a gullible sheep would conclude that the NRA is "the American people," or for that matter their opinion is somehow relevant when put against the US. Constitution and the duty and right of a president to fill vacancies on the US Supreme Court. See, Mitch, I told you sheep were not known for super intelligence.
And what's this about President Obama being a "lame duck president?" God man, are you daft? President Obama will only become a lame duck president AFTER the November 8, 2016 presidential elections WHEN HIS SUCCESSOR is named by the action of the American people in national elections. So dear, dear Mitch, until November 8 there is no "lame duck" president or any other duck. But you should know these very simple things, Mitch. You're the leader of the United States Senate. So for Christ's sake, man, don't just spew out stuff before thinking it over. It makes you look stupid and out of your depth. (don't want to do the sheep comparison again!)
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