Why everything will collapse If you sense that the future looks bleak, that there is little chance that this whole mess will end in joy and good humor, that there is a tiny chance that we will ...
(Image by YouTube, Channel: The 4th monkey) Details DMCA
This slightly older video is the most comprehensive piece I've found on the collapse of the biosphere and the virtual certainty that "our time has come." It ties together the main ideas I've been watching for 50 years, all too frightfully well. . Heed the warning at the beginning.
I recently noted that Bernie was pushing for $12,000,000,000 to combat climate change. As much as I approve of that (and assuming I got the number right), I can only add that, based on the vast amount I've read or watched, I fear we are past far too many critical tipping points. I also note that the IPCC is insanely conservative and we are already losing tens of millions of humans to climate change already, as is easy to note if you look at the overall global picture.
As important as this video is, imvso, even it gives more hope than the evidence bears out, in terms of time left for life on earth. Note: I've worked hard all my life to be an optimist. I still try in my personal life to "focus on the positive," be grateful, and remain kind in my dealings with others, etc. The latest blow was learning that the love and light of our lives, our Goldendoodle, Daphne, age 9, has agressive terminal cancer. Finding any more heart to be torn out is harder and harder to do.