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Turns out this is about more than the GOP just embracing policies that lead to disease and death - those same policies also win elections while making their morbidly rich campaign donors even richer
Senator Marco Rubio says he won't attend the State of the Union address because it requires a Covid test and he's too busy to swab his nose. Rubio's bizarre behavior is right in line with the GOP's embrace of poverty, disease, and death.
According to a popular meme, comedian Noel Casler (the guy who outed Trump's drug abuse and diaper wearing) asks, "How come everything the Republican Party stands for involves other people dying?"
He then goes on to note GOP support for assault weapons, opposition to masks and vaccines, opposition to saving the environment, and their all-out war on Obamacare and Medicare-for-All.
Casler may have just been being glib, doing the written equivalent of a standup routine, but his question deserves a serious answer, so let's look at the evidence.
It's undeniably true that Republican-controlled "Red" states, almost across the board, have higher rates of: