Obama's Push to Create a Fascist Nation
Thomas Baldwin, Biloxi, MS
July 4, 2013
"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell
"A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus."-- Martin Luther King, Jr.
"It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership."-- Nelson Mandela
"Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes."-- Peter Drucker
"When the best leader's work is done the people say, "We did it ourselves.'"--Lao Tzu
"Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out."--Stephen Covey
Following a successful career in physics for approximately 20 years, I have been a thirty-year student, teacher, and consultant in the traits and attributes of leadership and team development and the personal characteristics and skills necessary to be effective. Though I have developed courses and tools to help those (primarily) in companies to improve their effectiveness, I have often used the publications of others and personal experiences to serve as my guide or "mentors". One of the most powerful of those authors for me has been Stephen Covey, who made his fame and fortune from the book, "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People". Covey later published several books, but perhaps most noteworthy for this subject, "Principle-Centered Leadership". This brief article will focus on what I have learned directly (i.e. clinically) about leadership in the last thirty or more years and will show why Barack Obama does not have the "right stuff". In fact, I am not only concerned that his lack of leadership ability will lead to a failed presidency but, in fact, a catastrophic failure from which the entire country will greatly suffer.
I will begin this discussion with a bit of Obama's history. He is, of course, a dark-skinned man who had both white and black parents. His black African father was absent for essentially his entire life. He was raised by his white mother and white grandparents. Though his early adversaries tried to make a legal issue of where he was actually born, they missed the entire major issue. It was never about "nature"; it has always been about "nurture". Barack Obama has learned to be a "white" man in dark skin. That is the whole history of his existence. He has been plagued with an identity problem. But he first arose to national fame with his book, "Dreams of My Father" (a black African), which sold enormous numbers of copies and provided a platform for his rise to political power. It is also noteworthy that the Democratic Party found this as their "solution" to achieve power again also. They decided this man provided them with their chance to put a black man in the White House; he also met the requirements of some very rich wealthy elite who knew he could be manipulated. Ralph Nader even spoke up with courage during the 2008 elections stating the fear that Obama would become an "Uncle Tom" for the corporations!
What are the leadership traits that Barack Obama has demonstrated? His background included an education at Harvard Law following earlier education at Occidental College (CA) and Columbia Univ. (NY). There has never been any record published of his performance at those schools but we have been regularly informed that he was President of the Harvard Law Review. We have also been continuously reminded that he was specializing as a Constitutional Lawyer at Harvard. It has been interesting that the Harvard Law School has been notoriously absent in commenting on Obama's performance in the presidency regarding Constitutional issues. Are nearly all of the members of Harvard Law fearful of speaking out? So much for academic freedom; perhaps they're most fearful of losing their grants from the federal government and corporate sponsors?
The basic ingredients of effective leadership as identified by Covey and others are CHARACTER and COMPETENCE. For at least three years or more, I have been making careful observations of both of these attributes in Obama. My firm conclusion is that he has serious deficiencies in both. Admitting that these are sometimes hard to separate, I will consider character first. Obama shows almost no real commitment to principles; his continued excuse is that he believes in "compromise". Although one can easily be deceived by his "talk" one has to watch his "walk". He does not do what he says he's going to do and this pattern is habitually repeated.
Some concrete examples were listed here from a recent publication in "Thrive" written by Foster Gamble:
Power/wealth pyramid by Foster Gamble