There needs to be clarification and acknowledgement of the anti abortionist claim that abortion does kill a living thing. Further, I believe that all of us, including pro choice people, flinch and squirm at the notion of tweezering a fetus from the womb and tossing it in a dish. What I described above may not be precisely descriptive of all abortions but is broadly and generally representative of what takes place.
Today, right wing Evangelical Christians are behind the political fight to end a woman's right to choose. Theirs is a sanctity of life issue which is founded on the belief that their God, the God of their bible, values every human life and this translates into opposition to abortion. The Evangelicals bible, (the word of that God) chronicles 'that' God drowning every man woman and child on planet earth (excepting Noah and his son and a few others) in a global flood. And this simply because he found he made our necks too stiff for his liking. (sanctity of life?) And there is more in their bible undermining their sanctity of life claims for their God. He also told Abraham to kill his son just to confirm he, Abraham, was adequately fearful of God. Then there is the lovely passages in Genesis wherein this God told some humans to go to war against some other humans and kill them and rip the fetus from the wombs of the women.
Regarding not carrying every conception to term I note that it is common in nature for there to be but one or two eggs hatched out of thousands.
The central issue here is the timing and nature of ensoulment, I present the alternative perspective to the Evangelical Christian version now from a born again reincarnationist point of view to address some of the tweezering concerns. I have read a lot of past life regression interviews and uniformly those interviewed affirm that they joined the baby very near its birth or at birth. They say that to do otherwise is too damned boring. If this is valid ,as I believe, the soul is the composite of lifetimes a self aware being has experienced and represents its choice to experience one more lifetime on this planet to take advantage of the enhanced spiritual growth possibilities this dark and difficult planet offers. Do note that prior to ensoulment the fetus is but one more individual mammal species. After ensoulment it becomes a self aware human being. You and your soul are essentially one.
Finally, the above process is the way Source has created diversity of observation points with vastly different perspectives to help Source to understand its unlimited potential. This is what we are about. Of course our purpose here is to use this opportunity to grow spiritually. Clearly we need pick up our game.
Don Scotten