What the World Needs Now Is Wisdom

Holy Wisdom %2816th c.%2C Vologda museum%29.
(Image by (From Wikimedia) Unknown author, Author: Unknown author) Details Source DMCA
There was once a king in Israel named Solomon, a son of King David, the shepherd boy who slew a giant, and Bathsheba, the beautiful one who stole a king's heart. After David died, his son Solomon became king of Israel.
The first thing Solomon did after he was crowned was to go to the sanctuary of Gibeon, a holy place where the Hebrew god, Yahweh, spoke to a seeker in dreams.
And that night, Yahweh came to Solomon in a dream and said:
" Ask of me what you will and I will grant it to you."
And in the dream, Solomon said: "You showed great mercy and kindness to my father David while he was king, for he loved you. And now you have shown him even greater love by letting his son sit on his throne after his death."
" You, O Lord, have now made me king over a great people, and I feel like a little child. How can I rule over them if I don't know how?"
" Therefore, I ask you for an understanding heart to judge your people, so I can discern between good and bad. I ask you for the Wisdom to judge your people and be a good king."
Now you might ask "what is Wisdom?" Why would a king ask for Wisdom above power or glory or victory in the field of battle? But Solomon knew what he was asking for.
With you [God] is Sophia [Lady Wisdom], she who knows your works, she who was present when you made the world; she understands what is pleasing in your eyes and what agrees with your commandments. (Wisdom 9:9)
And Yahweh was pleased with Solomon for asking for this gift. And Yahweh said: "Because you have asked for Wisdom and have not asked for a long life for yourself, or riches, or power over your enemies, but instead seek Wisdom, I will give you what you ask for. I will give you a wise and understanding heart. And no one before or after you will be remembered as you are the wise king."
And then Yahweh added: "And I will give you the things you have not asked me for, both riches and honor, and there will be no other king like you in all your days. Just promise that you will walk in my ways, and keep my commandments as your father David did, and I will give you a long life."
Then Solomon awoke, and remembered his dream. And went back to Jerusalem and stood before the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord and gave thanks.
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