1. SEO: A marketer works with SEO to drive organic traffic to websites through search engines.SEO experts work hard to achieve good keyword rankings.
2. OPTIMIZATION: Once SEO brings in the traffic, the next step is the streamline the shopping process to a possible purchase. Marketers try to optimize the website to better convert visitors into buyers.
3. WEB DESIGN: Websites are brand's landing page online. Marketers must be able to navigate and learn about new tactics, policies, innovations quickly and adapt to the landscape all while keep the brand site operational and updated.
4. COPY WRITING: In order to maintain a high level of relevant content updates, a digital marketer must be able to write copy quickly and consistently. Many digital marketers maintain a separate blog to keep their skills sharp.
5. SOCIAL MEDIA: Each platform has its Pros and Cons for each brand. Using the various networks with good results takes analysis and planning.
6. ANALYTICS: Analytics is how marketers now comprehensively detail how the campaign has fared online. It helps show who is visiting your site, where they are coming from, what they view most, and how long they stay.
7. ADVERTISING: Advertising for digital marketers is a combination of using network and programs (Facebook ads, promoted tweets) and buying paid searches. A skilled digital marketer works to decrease CPC and increase the brand.
(Article changed on November 20, 2019 at 22:45)