What is the world's oldest profession? If you were never told the inhuman answer to this question that is diabolically promoted, what would your answer be? If you were standing on your own psychological footing would your answer be what you are instructed to think of initially? We are told the world's oldest profession is prostitution. We are told this as a matter of justification for war and its own prostitution. This suggestion is a mockery of mothers everywhere. It is complete biased slant propagated to normalize inhuman functions of war, exploitation and abuse.
I am my mother's son. And my mother was a Registered Nurse. Mothering nursing is, of course, inarguably, the oldest profession. All the acts of kindness and devotion that go into the activity of motherhood and the profession of nursing all exemplify the Divine Feminine; care, listening, healing and providing for needs in compassion. Truly, motherhood and by extension nursing, are the oldest professions, and the noblest.
The oldest professions of motherhood and nursing embody the Divine Feminine. On recollection my recognition of The Divine Feminine was only possible, in this perverted masculine war world, because of the loving influence of my mother the nurse, and the other compassionate women in my life, but especially my mother the nurse. Nurses, mothers, and the Divine Feminine nature, compassionately care in a way that is always remarkable, but is especially so in the current state of the world's institutions.
There is nothing about the sentiment or implications of the statement, 'prostitution is the oldest profession' that is true. Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is the oldest profession is nursing, nursing babies and nursing being, in all ways. There are a whole slew of revelations behind those who believe the stigma to stem from truth, revelations concerning their own underlying avoidance of respecting the feminine, and their participation in the attack on the Divine Feminine specifically.
Now on a whole other dynamic, truly there is nothing that is more harmless and at the same time, hardly anything more beneficial than marijuana and hemp. There is also nothing so touching and innocent as a mother with her suckling newborn. Now at the same time, there are hardly so qualitative sweet things in the world that garner more unwarranted hatred and hostility as ingestion of marijuana and ingestion of breastmilk. The hostility comes from reactions, and the reactions (REpeated ACT) stem from deep psychological roots that usually have their seed in some sort of input and manipulation that the person has not addressed, that the person has not grown up and out of, causing a reacting pattern that the person is stuck in. Both the partaking of marijuana and the nursing of babes embodies The Divine Feminine, stirring the reaction, often enough reaction from the perverted masculine.
Most automatically think comparing the retribution marijuana and hemp faces with the chastisement of a woman with her suckling baby is ridiculous, but what is ridiculous is the scorn. The seed for the deep psychological distortion causing such hatred for marijuana and hemp is the same that instigates scorn for suckling babies on breasts, it is the hatred of women, but not women in general, it is the hatred specifically of The Divine Feminine of womanhood.
It is easy to comprehend the notion that a mother breastfeeding her child is representative of The Divine Feminine, but for many the idea that marijuana and hemp also represent the Divine Feminine is a struggle of comprehension. Marijuana and hemp nurture the sick and supply all the resources we could need. Marijuana most certainly embodies the Divine Feminine simply through this fact.
Marijuana and hemp are naturally more closely related to the Divine Feminine than the idea of feminism itself. Feminism mostly does not embody the Divine Feminine. Seeking equal pay for women drone operators, or soldiers of any sort would qualify as feminist, but no Divine Feminine would seek equality in a perverted masculine operation, in a war operation.
The Divine Feminine nature as expressed in humanity spiritually and politically is simply like the nature of the feminine biologically. The Divine Feminine nature is caring and procreative, and as the symbol related to the feminine suggests, is encircling and caring and yet contributes and adds outside the circle. The Divine Masculine, as represented symbolically, is protective and focused on things outside the circle in order to protect and provide. These values have become perverted.
The perverted feminine and perverted masculine, each take on harmful qualities not conducive to their biological nature. The perversions are not limited to sexual characteristics. Women and men might adopt characteristics of the opposite's nature in some form of hyper or hypo, feminine or masculine, element. We all might adopt dynamics that are not representative of either masculine or feminine divinity. Divinity goes beyond cultural norms, divinity is always rising above convention, while perversion sink and degrade convention.
Perversions might all stem from psychological issues, that despite their differences are all due to a lacking of integration of their anima or animus, a man's inner femininity, and a woman's inner masculinity. When the anima or animus is not integrated perversions emerge, the perversions are basically non-problematic behaviors taken to extremes. The non-problematic behaviors begin as unconscious tools to enable consciousness balance, despite the lacking integration. And if the lacking integration continues to be avoided or obscured the non-problematic behaviors are repeated becoming addictions and perversions in the form of hypo or hyper masculinity, or hypo or hyper femininity. Thus we have normalization of prohibition of a healing and resourceful plant, and normalization of the prostitution of war.
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