Yes, it's closer than you think. We can all now connect the "dots."
Those who have the fantasy it's going to take until November had best think hard about the consequences of NOT pursuing impeachment NOW have a chance to now look at the overwhelming evidence of the folly of such a plan.
Each legislator, including state attorney generals, takes a sworn oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.
Under the rules of Geneva, any nation that does not police itself is considered a failed state.
It is fair to say that the United States has been more than lax at that fundamental nationstate requirement.
- Due to the mistreatment of POWs (detainees) - and for information's sake here, it is alleged that those Boeings were used to transfer drugs and the POWs used as a cover for that illegal activity - we can read about this situation here, here, here and here. A great place to put a face on the victims can be found at Consider: when the US does the torturing, our soldiers are at risk under the rule of reciprocity. We need to realize that the Military Commissions Act has grave implications.
- involvement in an ILLEGAL war of aggression and continued illegal sabre-rattling at nations from the highest levels of government and even our presidential candidates,
- Russia and China have been chomping at the bit to come to North America and take over.
Medvedev has been in Europe (unhappy with the installation of the US missile shields themselves - the news on THAT leaked out at the last G8 summit, while scores of nations moved frantically to distance themselves from participating in the WAR CRIMES imposed by tyrant BuZhCo.)
The Russians are writing scores of articles on the state of the impeachment effort; they know how to do the "spin" on their efforts to ensure human rights with the use of ngo's (non government organizations).
Now consider this statement following the Supreme Court decision in
The US strategic interests have been threated by the creation of legitimate terrorists,
says Alberto J. Mora, former General Council of the Navy, following The Supremes' decision on habeas corpus. The imposition of lawlessness by The Decider and his CONgressional enablers needs to come to a screeching halt. A reorganization of US intel operations (mostly outsourced and privatized now) is URGENTLY required.
While McCain has been excoriated already, the pro-AIPAC stance of Obama, his ties to organized crime and Rezko, his alliance with Zbig and the failure to be a unifying force in following the US Constitution should have been a testiment to why impeachment must be pursued now. His advisers are nothing about CHANGE; they're just post Clinton, Mach 2. There are unions already upset with his economic "policies". Perhaps it will take time for those in the adrenalated love trance to wake up, but that's an eventuality.
What is needed is a campaign for a new foreign policy.
What is needed is a more realistic economic program: something Dennis Kucinich offered up with his economic advisor, Dr. Michael Hudson.
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