The fall has always come suddenly
Rage is little known
To warn long
Of its first explosion;
The wild flailing
And shocked cowering;
Or equally violent defense
Find themselves beyond
Rational suggestion,
Past the ability to let
Compassion or common sense
Enter the heart
Or the mind.
And slow the destruction --
Of what?
Of self and other
And love
And all that mattered
To anyone
Before the implosion
Hit nerves too pained from
Blow after humiliation
After frustration after insult
After years of subservience to
A master who gives nothing back,
Who only knows taking and taking,
Until scorched and ragged flesh
Simply cannot
Simply cannot
Carry the agony to the places
Only the quiet heart knows,
The soft rooms where Love
Heals all that enters.
No the sleeping-death, wasted-life
Trashed and Fried
Nerves of the hopeless
Signal certain death
Unless this pain
This wicked intruder
Is flung off Now
No, I mean Now!
With force equal in one split second to all the pressure built up
From all those years of
Laboring as the f*cking slave property
Of life-force criminals
Who steal the backs and hands and hearts and minds
Of the very ones on whom the
Perpetuation of their
Ridiculous luxury depends.
But here's the worst act
In this horrible tragedy.
It ain't the Man who gets the blows
Its the wife, usually,
Or the weaker partner,
Who turned on the vacuum cleaner at just wrong moment.
Its the kid who cried hungry after a really bad day at work.
It's the "f*ggot" at the bar who looked at him wrong.
The lowest, smallest, weakest, most vulnerable ones.
The Man has cops in riot gear with poison spray
And body-cooking heat rays
High powered rifles and
The most vicious and coldly efficient killing machine
In all of history
And cameras and microphones and
Prisons-for-profit everywhere
To protect him from the rage
He creates
And condemns
And Cages
And Kills.
And the man slides right on by.
His pawns are so cowed and beat down
They don't even know they have submitted
Fully to his dominion.
Don't even know they are beating or berating or oppressing
Their lovers and children and friends and social class-mates because
Turning the masses into fat, dumb, raging
Beasts is part of the plan
To justify pinning them
Into a permanent and ever-expanding
Slave class
God help us all on the day
The rage of the masses
Is redirected at
Its true cause.