We Americans are in need of deep reflection; some soul searching if you will.
We have tolerated abuses, been treated as commodities and fools, who are here to be exploited by the plutocrats who reign with impunity and crass disregard as if they are the entitled and chosen few who believe they are above being held accountable and responsible for the devastation they have created.
We have been propagandized and plied with lies, misinformation and dissembling by our elected officials who are just hand maidens and water carriers for the moneyed and special interests who underwrite their campaigns.
These combined forces have usurped our representative democracy to serve for their exclusive benefit. We the people are mere pawns to be manipulated and used, fed propaganda and be disregarded. We are just another commodity to them, something to be packaged, marketed and sold and when used up discarded along with the rest of the trash.
Yet we are expected to vote and participate in an electoral process that has been rigged to ignore the will of the people but just serves the moneyed and special interests.
These interests have created the class warfare and polarization that roils the political waters setting right against left but which effectively diverts attention away from them, the plutocratic forces that control the political process. They are the malevolent perpetrators behind the scene who pick the candidates running for office who in turn present themselves as being in your corner (whether it is right or left) but their pleas are nothing more than a ruse and a ploy and a crafty calculation to get ones vote.
Those who sound the alarm to this crass manipulation by the plutocrats are treated with ridicule and disdain, dismissed and mocked as alarmists or fabulists or crazed nihilists or even traitors who hate America.
For we are in need of rebellion against these plutocratic forces who act in complete denial and disregard for the basic needs of people other than themselves.
In the end only the people have the power and capability of rectifying the tyranny they are being subjected to. But if the people remain unaware or acquiesce in passive indifference to the real enemy within their midst then that tyranny will continue to persist.
What occurred in Tunisia and Egypt and is currently erupting in Yemen, Syria, Libya et al is an awakening by the people to overcome their reticence and passivity to protest and take on and overthrow their tyrannical corrupt rulers and their regimes. In the Arab world the enemy is clearly defined and known by the people.
In the U.S. with our Constitution, long democratic tradition and the presumption of the rule of law, the tyranny and oppression by the plutocrats has been opaque, less clearly defined and recognized as to its true nature.
But that is no longer true. Our present "great recession" begun in 2008 laid bare the collusion of big finance and government. With the bailout of the perpetrators (who created the financial meltdown and who caused the subsequent economic calamity but were made whole again by the elected officials they underwrite and control), the truth was unmistakably revealed. There is an insidious and corrupt melding of plutocrats in industry and government who are the real tyrannical forces that control this country at the expense and detriment of the people. It is up to the people to recognize this corrupt collusion and be in rebellion against.
Our present electoral process as it is presently constituted is a hoax as it perpetuates in power elected officials bankrolled and beholden to the moneyed and special interests that control that process.
Members of both parties have been so corrupted by our current electoral process they are incapable of overcoming its malevolent influence for which they have succumbed to.
Senator Dick Durbin (D. Ill.) intentionally or otherwise let the cat out of the bag some two years ago when interviewed on a local Illinois radio program said, "And frankly they own the place", (referring to the financial interests influence over the Senate).
That's the reality we the American people have refused to face and come to grips with.
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