This is from the New York Times:
"The Port Authority official who oversaw the lane closings at the George Washington Bridge said he informed Gov. Chris Christie about it at a Sept. 11 memorial while the closings were occurring, according to the findings of an internal investigation lawyers for the governor released on Thursday.
"The official, David Wildstein, told Mr. Christie's press secretary, Michael Drewniak, of the Sept. 11 conversation at a dinner in December just before his resignation from the Port Authority, according to the report.
"The report said that Mr. Christie did not recall any such conversation, and it found no evidence that he was involved in the scheme, which snarled traffic for thousands of commuters in Fort Lee, N.J., from Sept. 9 through the morning of Sept. 12.
"It was one of many revelations unearthed by the inquiry -- commissioned by Mr. Christie's office in the days after the scandal erupted, and costing taxpayers more than $1 million in legal fees -- into what prompted the lane closings and what role his administration played in it. At times, it reads like a point-by-point defense of the New Jersey governor, a Republican. Mr. Wildstein's version of his encounter with the governor was only briefly mentioned."
Funny how memory works for embattled Republican politicians. From Ronnie Reagan not recalling anything about the Iran Contra scandal, to Raisin Brain's sketchy memory about his shady financial dealings with Harken Energy, or his failure to remember what was mentioned in the briefing titled "Osama bin Laden Determined to Strike within the US," (of course he wasn't the sharpest tack in the box), and now Christie doesn't remember a conversation with a key member of his team in which that person told him the bridge was locked down in a hideous traffic jam.
If Christie is telling the truth, shouldn't he be questioned for gross negligence? If he can't remember such a significant event, what other important details might he accidentally forget to remember? It cost New Jersey taxpayers $1 million to find out ... what, exactly? That Wildstein and Bridget Kelley acted on their own in their scheme to tie up traffic in Ft. Lee for reasons we will never know, and that Christie was completely oblivious to mysterious machinations of his own staff?
Wow. I don't think that is going to sit well with the voters.
Kathy never expected a career in radio as a talk show producer. Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Kathy was completing her nursing degree when in 2001 - in an emergency - she was asked to fill in as the producer of Mike's program. Within a few (