Californians Do Not Want Another Ken Blackwell Or Katherine Harris Dunn was handpicked by Rove to run against Debra Bowen in what looks like an attempt to place a clone of Florida SOS Katherine Harris and Ohio SOS Ken Blackwell in the California SOS position. is calling on Dunn to publicly reject Rove's dirty money and dirty tricks. The text of the ad is below.
"American Crossroads is the brainchild of Karl Rove, one of the country's most reviled political operatives for his 40-year history of electoral dirty tricks, including conspiring with Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell in 2004 and Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris in 2000 to manipulate the Bush presidential elections.
Rove's group and the Chamber plan to spend at least $50 million this year each to manipulate elections and buy politicians in a dozen states, including Damon Dunn in California. Citizens United, a 2010 Supreme Court decision allowing unlimited corporate funding of elections, makes such massive donations possible. Steven Law, Chief Counsel of the US Chamber of Commerce and CEO of American Crossroads, is promising donors that he will not disclose their names or how their money is spent.
But 87% of Americans across the political spectrum do not want corporations buying their elected officials.
Damon, you have campaigned on financial transparency in elections, including the tracking of contributions and expenditures, yet you are being supported by American Crossroads, which is hiding all its financial activities behind a wall of lawyers and secrecy. It's time to put your money where your mouth is and tell American Crossroads and the Chamber that you reject their support.
Do the right thing Damon. Tell Karl Rove you will not be another Ken Blackwell or Katherine Harris. Tell Rove to keep his dirty politics and dirty money out of California elections."