By the logic displayed by the Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee hearings, this is a question that should bee asked. The Wikileaks disclosure of Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails showed how Clinton supporters at DNC stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders. As bad as that was, Clinton maintained her lead over Trump. However, when Comey raised questions about the Clinton email investigation on Friday, 11/28/2016, that revelation caused enough of a shift in key states to push Trump over the top in the Electoral College.
Here's the tortured logic. Trump is a Russian tool. People who support Russian tools are automatically suspect (and subject to smears). Therefore, the Russians may have inspired Comey's actions that supported Trump.
This thinking is, of course, rubbish. It's reminiscent of the smears of Joseph McCarthy (R, WI) in the 1950's. This neo-McCarthyism distracts from real issues like climate change, health care, a still out-of-control Wall Street, etc.
Here are the facts describing the impact of Comey's revelations just eleven days before the 2016 presidential election.
Polls Are Showing James Comey Could Affect the Election Fortune 11/4/2016
Since last Friday, when FBI director James Comey publicized his revival of a criminal investigation relating to Hillary Clinton's emails, races in six battleground states--representing 85 electoral votes--have swung sharply in Donald Trump's favor, according to at least one measure.
Comey's disclosure shocks former prosecutors, Thee Atlantic 10/28/2016
FBI director's announcement of new evidence in the Clinton probes compounds criticism of his earlier willingness to discuss the case.
James Comey's surprise announcement that investigators are examining new evidence in the probe of Hillary Clinton's email server put the FBI director back under a harsh spotlight, reigniting criticism of his unusual decision to discuss the high-profile case in front of the media and two congressional committees.
According to The New Yorker's Jane Mayer and the Washington Post, FBI director James Comey acted on his own when he, 11 days before the election, disclosed on Friday that new emails had been discovered which may or may not be relevant to the agency's closed investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of State. Comey, by informing Congress of the evidence, apparently disregarded the opinions of Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Justice Department officials, who had reminded him of the department's policy of neither commenting on ongoing investigations nor acting in such a way that could influence an upcoming election.
Congress should do the people's business. One step in that direction would involve the intelligence committee focusing on the fact that President Trump is an unrepentant liar as demonstrated by his claims that Obama wiretapped his campaign. How can the people trust an unrepentant liar to occupy the White House?