Please do not refer to this as partisan politics. Veterans are of different race, color, creed, religions and political parties. If the veteran is not already registered he or she can do so upon their release, if they are registered they can use the absentee ballot.
Can anyone see how the VA is actually protecting the rights of these injured veterans while they are hospitalized in their care? After an out-patient operation or just a mild sedation to have teeth extracted the patient beforehand has to sign a paper which tells them not to sign their name to any documentation, make any financial decision or even drive a vehicle for the next twenty-four hours.
These injured patients at the VA are more than likely on many various medications, which in turn would allow them to be more easily persuaded to sign their name to something they would normally not agree with. So in essence the VA is protecting the rights of the disabled and medicated veterans staying at the VA under their care and protection.
Look at how heated an argument on politics can get just on-line. Face to face in person I have watched actual fights break out, and right or wrong the security police at the VA has better things to do than stop an actual fight over some-ones politics. At times there is enough bickering going on at the VA and you want to add politics to the fire? I just wish that over medicated outpatient veterans had the same protection when it comes to signing loans from predatory lenders and car salesmen/politicians.