If you didn't attend #NoWar2017 this past weekend, you can watch videos of the whole conference below.
Sept 22
7:00-7:55 p.m. Conference Opening Plenary: David Swanson, Jill Stein, Tim DeChristopher. VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2.
7:55 p.m. music by Bryan Cahall. VIDEO 2, VIDEO 3.
8:10-10 p.m. Begining with Edward Snowden (by video) introduced by Elizabeth Murray, our friends from the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence presented an event with Elizabeth Murray, Annie Machon, Daniel Ellsberg (by video), Thomas Drake, Ray McGovern, Ann Wright, John Kiriakou. (Note: Chelsea Manning sent regrets that she could not attend as we had hoped, as did Seymour Hersh.) VIDEO 3, VIDEO 4, VIDEO 5.
Sept 23
9-10:15 a.m. Understanding the intersection of pro-environment and anti-war activism, with Richard Tucker, Gar Smith, and Dale Dewar. Moderator: Leah Bolger. VIDEO 6, VIDEO 7.
10:30-11:45 a.m. Preventing domestic environmental damage of militarism, with Mike Stagg, Pat Elder, James Marc Leas. Moderator: Pat Elder. VIDEO 8, VIDEO 9.
12:45 p.m. -- 1 p.m. music by The Irthlingz Duo: Sharon Abreu and Michael Hurwicz. VIDEO 10.
1-2:15 p.m. Combining movements globally, with Robin Taubenfeld, Rev Lukata Mjumbe, Emily Wurth. Moderator: Mary Dean. VIDEO 10, VIDEO 11, VIDEO 12.
2:30-3:45 p.m. Financial tradeoffs, budgets, and conversion, with Lindsay Koshgarian and Bruce Gagnon. Moderator: Jean Athey. VIDEO 13, VIDEO 14.
4:00-4:05 Presentation of World Beyond War's new online Study Guide with Tony Jenkins. VIDEO 15.
4:05-5:15 p.m. Divestment from fossil fuels and weapons with Jonathan King, Susi Snyder, Terry Crawford-Browne. Moderator: Tony Jenkins VIDEO 15, VIDEO 16, VIDEO 17.
6:45-7:30 Music by Emma's Revolution. VIDEO 18, VIDEO 19.
7:30-9:00 Screening of episode 7 of Untold History of the United States, followed by discussion with Ray McGovern, David Swanson, and Dan Ellsberg (by video). VIDEO 20, VIDEO 21.
Sept 24
9-10:15 a.m. Creative activism for the earth and peace, with Nadine Bloch, Bill Moyer, Brian Trautman. Moderator: Alice Slater. VIDEO 22, VIDEO 23, VIDEO 24.
10:30 a.m. -- 12:00 p.m. Breakout workshop strategic planning sessions in Recital Hall, and in Rooms 112, 115, 123, and 128, and possibly outdoors.
Workshop 1: How the Internet Changes Activism with Donnal Walter. ROOM 128
Workshop 2: Creative activismwith Nadine Bloch and Bill Moyer. ROOM 115
Workshop 3: Educational Approaches to Foster Political Engagement for Peace and Planet, with Tony Jenkins and Tiffany Jenkins. ROOM 123
Workshop 4: Don't Bank on the Bomb: Divestment Campaign from Corporations Involved in the Manufacture and Maintenance of Nuclear Weapons, with Jonathan King, Alice Slater, Susi Snyder. ROOM 112. VIDEO.
Workshop 5: Closing Military Bases with Ann Wright, Will Griffin. RECITAL HALL. VIDEOS: 1, 2, 3.
1-2 p.m. Reporting back and discussion in Recital Hall. Moderator: Leah Bolger, VIDEO 25, VIDEO 26.
2:15-3:30 p.m. Halting the environmental damage of distant U.S. wars, with Kathy Kelly, Brian Terrell, Max Blumenthal. Moderator: Bob Fantina. VIDEO 27, VIDEO 28, VIDEO 29.
3:45-5:00 p.m. Building a Joint Peacenvironmentalist / Envirantiwar Movement, with Anthony Rogers-Wright and Medea Benjamin. Moderator: Donnal Walter. VIDEO 30, VIDEO 31, VIDEO 32.
6:30-7:15 Music by The Irthlingz Duo: Sharon Abreu and Michael Hurwicz. VIDEO 33, VIDEO 34, VIDEO 35, VIDEO 36.
7:15-9:00 p.m. Film screening and discussion: Scarred Lands and Wounded Lives: The Environmental Footprint of War, with Alice Day and Lincoln Day. VIDEO COMING SOON.
Videos by Barry Student. Divestment workshop video by Ellen Thomas.