By Dave Lindorff
John Grant, Vietnam War images, and host Dave Lindorff (
(Image by ThisCantBeHappening!)) Details DMCA
In this podcast of the latest "This Can't Be Happening!" weekly broadcast on, collective member John Grant, a Vietnam War veteran and long-time peace activist, talks with show host Dave Lindorff about a Veterans for Peace campaign to counter the Pentagon's latest PR initiative to rewrite and distort the history of the Vietnam War. Grant says the VFP's Vietnam War Full Disclosure Project is calling out the Pentagon to correct the historical falsehoods in its multi-million-dollar 50th Year Commemoration of the Vietnam War propaganda program.
As part of that, the Full Disclosure Project is also asking veterans as well as peace activists who worked against that decades-long imperialist war to write "letters to the Wall" which will be delivered on Memorial Day to the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, DC...
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