The International Vegetarian Union is a non-profit which was founded in 1908 in Dresden, Germany, as a consequence of worldwide growth in vegetarian society, after the Vegetarian Federal Union, which was established in 1889. Till now, IVU has encouraged many people around the world to become vegetarian. They are promoting vegetarianism on a global stage.
Ancient origins
Earlier, people used to avoid eating flesh deliberately due to ritual reasons sporadically. Boosterism about a regular fleshless diet started in the middle of the first millennium BCE in India and some of the parts of the eastern Mediterranean. The avoidance of flesh-eating around the eastern Mediterranean first started as the teachings of animals are equal to humans and to have kindness towards other creatures. Many pagan philosophers including Plutarch and Epicurus and Neoplatonists recommended a fleshless diet. This idea was supported in a belief to show benevolence towards animals and other creatures. In India, all followers of Jainism and Buddhism refused to eat flesh on ethical and ascetic norms. They believed human beings should not inflict harm on any creature for food. This idea was afterward taken over by Hinduism and Brahmanism. However, most of the Hindus used to eat flesh but not cow meat because they worship cows.
In later centuries, there was a significant change in Indic and Mediterranean history of vegetarianism. Though many upper and lower caste' people in India adopted a fleshless diet, Buddhism progressively declined the fleshless diet. Moreover, fish was a part of the fleshless diet, in some countries.
Modern developments
Vegetarianism was spreading subsequently in the west which lightens the flesh diet. In some places, a fleshless diet was introduced as a fitness and health regime for specific people. Elsewhere, it was considered as a comprehensive reform of healthy living habits. By the end of the 20th century, many people turned vegetarian, some because of religion and others for ethical beliefs. Besides, many vegetarian restaurants were commonplace for vegetarian people. They were established solely for vegetarian and vegan food.
What is the vegan movement?
After the establishment of the International Vegetarian Union, there were a few members of the society who never ate animals and dairy products, which were at that time known as non-dairy vegetarians. Those members in 1944 decided to launch a new society while continuing to be a member of the previous one. As a result, they formed a vegan society.
Teaching Veganism in Schools
Public institutions like schools must make students aware of the concept of veganism. It is good for their health and environment also. A good vegan diet promotes a healthy, rich, and high nutritional diet. Besides, many renowned private schools like East Hampton Middle School, Ananda Marga School, St. Mary's School, and Rockford Kindercare have started to provide vegan foods in their school menus.
Why go vegan?
It is not necessary and easy to make this drastic switch in your life. It is a plant-based diet that offers compelling benefits to the environment, health, and ethics. Vegan life is a potent way to shrink our environmental footprints and prevents a huge amount of animal slaughter. Besides, a well-planned diet will also reduce the risk of chronic diseases and promote a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, vegan food is easily available everywhere, even restaurants are selling specific vegan food.
For your health
A vegan diet contains all the necessary nutrients for our body which is even recognized by the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. It is suitable for every age and stage of life. Some research has shown that after introducing a vegan diet in our life, there is a lower risk of cancer, heart, and other chronic diseases. Converting vegan is a great opportunity to improve your diet and learn about nutrition.
For the environment
It is a great way to live a greener and healthier life. One of the most effective things to lower the carbon tracks is to restrict the use of animal products. Saving our environment is saving our lives.
For the animals
Like human beings, animals have the right to live. Preventing exploitation is not the mere reason to become vegan but also to have benevolence towards them. Emotional attachment with animals can also be a reason to turn vegan.