Again I shall give the credit to the for opening Pakistan to the United States and whole world. Now this is clear to all and sundry that the affairs of Pakistan are being run by Washington. Pakistani rulers have been relying on the support from the US rulers. Now there is impression that former prime minister Nawaz Sharif is becoming the choice of those in the US administration. It is not yet clear whether it is correct or not, but there is report in Pakistani press that Hillary Clinton has been favouring Nawaz Sharif. It is pertinent to mention here that Pakistan conducted the nuclear tests when Nawaz Sharif was the prime minister.
It is not yet clear whether US President Barack Obama will also be favouring Nawaz Sharif or he will continue to support Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari. But one thing is very much clear that the US will decide that who will be the next leader of Pakistan. According to tribal elders, the US president instead of relying on the corrupt rulers should come direct to the people. There will be no denying the fact that most of Pakistanis have been considering Barack Obama as their hero. His role on the Pakistan front is very important as Pakistan is the frontline state in war on terrorism.
President Asif Ali Zardari has quietly summoned Pakistan ambassador to Washington Husain Haqqani and taken him to Dubai to be part of a special meeting with US special envoy for Pakistan and Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke in an effort to regain credibility after the lawyers’ long march and eventual restoration of the judges.
Sources said Zardari was concerned that Washington, especially Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was paying more attention to Nawaz Sharif. The president was also alarmed by the positive reaction in Washington where the restoration of the deposed judges and CJ Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry was instantly welcomed, erasing the impression that the US was somehow against the chief justice.The sources claimed that the arrival of Haqqani in Islamabad was kept so secret that even the Foreign Office did not know about his presence in Pakistan. According to one insider in the FO, Haqqani was scheduled to arrive in Dubai but no one knew in Islamabad that he had also stayed at the Presidency with President Zardari who took him to Dubai in his special plane.
Wife of Husain Haqqani Farah Ispahani, MNA, confirmed to The News from Dubai that she was there along with her husband. “He is busy in meetings and as and when he gets free, I will inform him about your telephone call,” she promised. When asked whether Haqqani had arranged a meeting between President Zardari and American diplomats in Dubai, she expressed her ignorance.
President’s spokesman Farhatullah Babar also expressed his ignorance about any meeting between the president and US diplomats in Dubai. “President is visiting Dubai only to meet his family members,” Babar gave a one-line reply.
In Washington, the office of Holbrooke said the special envoy was travelling and was in Brussels but the lady in charge did not say where he was headed next. When asked whether he was going to Dubai to meet Zardari, the lady said: “Please send your questions through email and I will respond.”
Haqqani and Zardari will try to convince the Americans not to lose their confidence in the abilities of President Zardari who was still capable of delivering the agenda, according to the expectations of the Americans.
But, sources said, UK Foreign Minister David Miliband had played a major role in bridging the gap between the Americans and Nawaz Sharif which had created a panic-like situation in the Zardari camp and once again the services of Haqqani were sought to do some damage control measures and Dubai was chosen to be the venue. A spokesman of Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani said that Husain Haqqani had not met the prime minister during his brief visit to Islamabad.Source: