What HLLN wrote on the Obama candidacy in 2012, goes triple for Hillary Clinton: Voting is used as another pacification tool of empire
Haiti president Michel Martelly lauds US power agains Haiti People
(Image by Free Haiti Movement at Zeg Actu‎) Details DMCA
This is a photoshop (source:Free Haiti/Facebook) photo with Haiti's U.S.-imposed dictator, Michel Martelly, holding a U.S. passport in one hand while flipping the middle finger of the other hand at Haitians.
The rendition truthful expresses how throughout his five year term, Martelly constantly lauded his U.S. backing, daring Haitians to meaningfully object to such a powerful force. Martelly's favorite rallying cry is "Si w pa kontan anbake. - If you don't like it, do something about it." But every time the people took to the streets to peacefully object to the occupation and fake elections, the US forces put out their trained UN forces or Haiti military police to massacre unarmed demonstrators and keep the lawless Martelly regime in power. Now that the Haitian people are protesting another fake U.S. election in Haiti for 2015-16, the US and its repugnant international cohorts are again flexing their military, diplomatic, economic and media powers to back-up corrupt Martelly-Paul and continue the foreign invasion that pillages Haiti mineral and coastline riches while imposing Martelly's handpicked replacement down the throats of the people.
US Tyranny in Haiti
According to Haiti journalists and parliamentarians, then Sec. of State Hillary Clinton's employee at the State Department, former Haiti ambassador Kenneth Merten, lied when he said Michel Martelly was never a U.S citizen. The blatant illegitimacy along with the US/OAS actually changing the voting results to put Martelly in office resulted in an extra-ordinary gridlock and failure of local governance in Haiti. This, added to the earthquake pains, the cholera pains, the NGO dependency pains and the 2004 U.S. occupation pains behind a UN mercenary front that Haitians were already enduring at the hands of the maniacal Internationals.
Is it conceivable that Merten committed such a Federal fraud without his bosses - Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama's - participation? Why isn't the New York Times, Washington Post, Miami Herald and the other U.S. Republican and Democratic presidential candidates bringing the Clinton/Obama Haiti corruption up or using their platforms to help investigate and confirm the Merten/Hillary undemocratic Haiti actions once and for all? Is it that Black lives don't matter to both the U.S. Republican and Democratic candidates? That US stakeholders in Haiti may safely continue, without accountability, but with total impunity, the merciless oppression and occupation in Haiti? Will the US bipartisanship corruption, oppression, exploitation and cruelty to Haiti continue under the next US presidency?
Accountability and justice is what Haiti needs in a US-Haiti partnership, not a military occupation behind a UN front, fake charity, fake elections and fake U.S. benevolence. Haiti has vast mineral resources, precious iridium mountains, seabed and archeological treasures and coastal riches to exploit that can elevate the living standards of local Haitians to greater wealth than even exists in the United States. Haiti doesn't need US fake aid or charity. It needs an end to the US lies and interferences so that it may fairly negotiate, in an environmentally safe and true free-trade manner, the best price and deal for exploiting its indigenous resources. But not the way we have the US-Euro robber barons and Hillary Rodham's brother greedily plundering it now, behind the UN/NGO/fake election front of "bringing democracy and justice" to Haiti.
Partners In Crimes Against Haiti
Photo collage of the partners in crime in Haiti - Michel Martelly with his US bosses: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Bill Clinton and Kenneth Merten
The "legal bandits" are what the people of Haiti call the Michel Martelly regime and the Core Group of internationals who prop up his unpopular reign. Martelly has good reason to laud U.S. power over the Haitian people's heads. Martelly was a US citizen, who is said to have voted in US elections and who wasn't Constitutionally qualified to be president of Haiti in the first place. But Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Kenneth Merten and Edmond Mulet at the UN used their economic, military and political force to lawlessly imposed him on the quake-suffering people of Haiti with the complicity of certain Haiti restaveks/opportunists who love being petted with the trickle down as the pets they are for empire.Today the Haitian people are protesting and getting massacred for protesting another fake U.S. election in Haiti for 2015-16. But Obama sent Kenneth Merten back to Haiti to repeat the 2010 electoral coup detat that he helped orchestrate along with Hillary Clinton.
Haitians fighting for justice are dying. The US presidential candidates express little or no care about the fake elections and UN front for the US occupation. The epidemic in UN rape of Haiti children is simply shrugged off. Bill Clinton brought the cholera victims cholera insurance they had to pay for instead of clean water, justice and reparations. Paul Farmer made money for big-pharma by selling ineffective cholera vaccines. Quake monies meant for the homeless were used by the Clinton/Bush to build the Oasis luxury hotel and a sweatshop at Caracol to give to their Korean donors where there was no quake damage. Hillary Clinton released emails revealed that the State Department also used public funds (probably charged to Haitians as "quake relief") to pay for PR to plant stories. Stories of the US doing good in Haiti when, as we learned from Chelsea Clintons' 7-page memo to her parents, that was hardly the case and the Clintons/Obama administration knew it. We speak about this at this interview: Oct 2015 US Sham Elections in Haiti.
From beginning to end, the Clintons earthquake reconstruction in Haiti was an organized criminal activity. Their first reconstruction effort was shoddy built, formaldehyde trailers. The same trailers that were rejected as hurricane shelters by FEMA in the U.S. Over and over again, the evidence show that Hillary and Bill Clinton are ambitious liars who use their political positions and PR machine for personal enrichment. Only 15% of monies raised by the Clintons went to charity. 85% went for salaries, benefits and travel. Bill Clinton is that old fashion snakeoil salesman. His wife rides on his coattails, lapping up the access that Bill Clinton's brand buys. Standing by her philandering husband for political gain. Hillary's lack of character and integrity makes a joke out of associating her as a good "first woman president for the United States." It's gender form over her substance and character that's far from compassionate, truthful or courageous. In fact when caught in her wrongdoings, Hillary Clinton has begun to hand out the political apologies to forgo responsibility. After all, Western politicians like her Bill Clinton are masters of the religion and Forgiveness-to-Sin tool of conquest and pacification.
See, for example: The Shelters That Clinton Built ;
Clintons Facilitated Donor's Haiti Project That Defrauded U.S. Out of Millions: Hillary Clinton Donor Claudio Osorio's InnoVida bilked investors out of $40 million ; and,
After the US pushed to overturn the 2010 election to push Martelly to power, USAID gave a political movement backing Martelly support worth $100K.
These Clinton actions showed their disregard. Haitians were sub-human enough to merit such poisonous shelters that made little school kids very sick and torrid hot in the midst of grieving an unimaginable lost/disaster. There's not even a minimum of morality or U.S. fair dealing in Haiti. Bill Clinton apologized for US foreign policy that destroyed Haiti food sovereignty, but Hillary Clinton State Department dumped Monsanto hybrid seeds on Haiti farmers in 2010 as an "earthquake gift!"
The US and its repugnant international cohorts are again flexing their military, diplomatic, economic and media powers to back-up corrupt Martelly-Paul and continue the foreign invasion that pillages Haiti mineral and coastline riches while imposing Martelly's handpicked replacement down the throats of the people. (Photo Album: US 2015-16 Election Scam in Haiti.)
What Ezili's HLLN wrote on the Obama candidacy in 2012, goes triple for Hillary Clinton in 2015/16 U.S. presidential campaign: Voting is used as another pacification tool of empire. Hillary Clinton's presidency would be another Clinton disaster for Haiti and the United States. (For that entire essay, go to: Not Voting for Obama: We're Not Even Buying a Voting Ticket to the Show | Black Agenda Report.)