Since the Bush orchestrated 9-11 spectacle show of shows created the excuse to legitimatize going to war against the Muslim world, millions of Arabs have lost their lives in the resulting two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and many more have died and been falsely imprisoned around the world from our own C.I.A.
Since the first Gulf War, it has all been about the U.S. trying to secure and control the world's crude oil deposits in the Middle East and has nothing to do with any concern for the people in the area. The U.S. does not give a damn about whether the people in the area live under the iron fist of a dictator or live in freedom; its real goal is to have as many people in the area as possible live under the influence of its will.
Sure, there are terrorists in those countries wanting the destruction of America and Israel at the cost of their own lives but it has been the actions of the United Nations led by the U.S. in creating the State of Israel in the area that is the root of the resentment, which breeds the terrorist mindset that is to blame.
I do not believe anyone would be happy with having eviction notices served on him or her to get out of their homes and property that they have had for years because suddenly a new state is created, as was the case in Palestine after World War 2 with the creation of the state of Israel. Since then the Palestinian People have lived the life of being nomads in the area, moving from place to place because no one in the area was willing to let them stay for fear that they may claim the desolate spot they were on for themselves.
The only real solution to the problem of the Palestinian People is for them to have an area of land they can finally call Palestine. The whole idealism of hatred for America in the Middle East would change overnight if the U.S. would suddenly take on the responsibility of securing the Palestinian People a homeland they could call their own. We as Americans owe the Palestinian People this and have to take the responsibility as our own in achieving it. The U.S. in putting its money where its mouth is by spending billions of its own money and buying them the land, they need to make a nation could easily do this. This would be money well spent in securing peace in the area as opposed to the billions we now spend in the area on killing people.