Rep. Tulsi Gabbard makes secret 'fact-finding trip' to Syria ...
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Tulsi Gabbard,Congresswoman from Hawaii, spent Inauguration Day in Syria on a Fact Finding Trip. Yesterday she was in Aleppo so I am pretty sure she did not suddenly appear in DC this morning. She also did not send me an email telling me she was"Boycotting the Inauguration of Donald Trump". In other words she spent the day doing her job and tending to business.
Most of you are aware that I admire Tulsi and appreciate her attempts to uphold the Progressive Ideals that got her elected in the first place. Her Resignation as Vice-Chair of the DNC, so she could openly campaign for Bernie Sanders spoke loudly of her integrity. So did her trip to Standing Rock with the Veterans in early November.
There is a reason I am bringing this up now. There have been many discussions of the best way to clean out the cesspool that is the National Democratic Party, and many of the State Democratic Organizations that have sold out their local Constituents, in return for Money and Power from Corporations, Think Tanks, and NGOs.
Life will not end, but Life as we know it will...
The problem is exacerbated by the Military Build-Up, which is bankrupting our Country, and many others, in an attempt to grab total power over the Wealth and Peoples of this Planet. We are fighting in a multitude of Countries, both overtly, and covertly. We have Military Bases in 138 different Countries, and continue to arm Eastern Europe with Offensive Weaponry, including Nukes, on the Borders of Russia - And then, We Call Russia Aggressive!
Every day, the Headlines seem darker. I have tried ignoring the Trumpster and the Republicrats like Obama and the Clinton's, but I cannot ignore the continued degradation of the Quality of Life - Both here in Paradise [Hawaii], and around the World. Our Infrastructure is dangerous and crumbling. The Public Schools are being destroyed. Civil Rights and the Right of Workers are trashed. The Health Systems face a Crisis. And, to top it off, we are told the Economy is booming as people are Homeless and Starving!
Today I received an email from Tulsi Gabbard concerning her efforts in Congress. It is so in-tune with the discussions on Op-Ed, that I wonder if she reads us often. I will copy it at the end of this Article so you can see what she is doing. It really is nothing less than Revolutionary. If we are serious about doing more than waving signs and wearing 'Pink Pussyhats', this is a person who could help us organize and attract supporters.
The Party may disown Tulsi Gabbard for her Trip to Syria, and her Bill to End The Arming of Militias in Syria and Elsewhere. Still, She is a very tough person, I am betting she is going to be around for a long time - Certainly her popularity in Hawaii only increases.
Note: An Email From Tulsi Gabbard:
Carol -
Change is coming to Washington and here is what we have a responsibility to do in the coming months: reject the status quo of the establishment in both political parties as we expand our political revolution and focus on real solutions that serve all Americans.
That means taking steps every day to enact a vision of this country where the ultra-rich can't game our political and economic systems for their own benefit -- a country where we all matter and where individuals of every walk of life are empowered to be part of this great democracy that we live in.
That means fighting for laws that protect the people of our country -- whether it be fighting for criminal justice reform to end needless mass incarceration, ensuring that every single American has health insurance, and fighting for the rights and freedom of all, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.
It's about net neutrality, equal pay, protecting our precious world by stopping climate change, and preventing the deportation of millions of people who have known no other home than the United States.
And it's about joining together to end the counterproductive war in Syria, which has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, created over a million refugees, torn a country apart and strengthened terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS.
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