Donald Trump's sole "philosophy" is personal profit. His real "party" is the mob. His mafia "don," Vladimir Putin, is the world's #1 crime boss. For the pair of them, the issues of the day all boil down to one: cash flow.
Russian crime lords have been laundering money through The Donald since the 1980s. Like his slumlord father, who was allied with the New York mob, nothing really matters to Trumputin except that river of lucre. If Special Counsel Mueller touches the bottom of The Donald's swamp, it will all be about money laundering and his ties to the organized underworld. There are many reasons he's hiding his tax returns.
Meanwhile, let's look at some actual issues:
GUNS: The National Rife Association is a sales organization for the weapons industry. All that twisted blather about the Bill of Rights is cheap cover.
The Second Amendment requires all gun owners to be part of "a well-regulated militia" serving "the security of a free state."
Trump's idiocy about arming all teachers makes sense only for promoting gun sales. Ubiquitous assault weapons and concealed handguns are both profit centers. Living school kids are not.
DRUGS: The Drug War is about keeping prisons full, jacking up pot prices for the transnational mob, protecting the alcohol and pharmaceutical industries, and preventing citizens of youth and color from voting.
It's also no accident that our principal allies in Vietnam were heroin dealers, our Contra puppets in Nicaragua were coke pushers, and our fellow "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan are poppy growers.
The idea that Trump and Jeff Sessions oppose pot legalization for reasons of public health is a sick joke.
More than 40 million Americans have been arrested in the Drug War since Nixon declared it in the early 1970s. Dick's assault powered a "Southern Strategy" meant to destroy communities of youth and color. Nixon's own mob backers profited hugely from higher black market drug prices and a booming prison industry.
Sadly for Trumputin, legalization in Colorado and elsewhere has lowered crime and incarceration rates, reduced alcohol consumption, and provided serious breakthroughs using cannabis for ailments like epilepsy and glaucoma instead of hugely overpriced pharmaceuticals. Opioid death rates are far lower where pot is legal.
So all of Nixon/Trump/Sessions' worst fears about losing cash flow and elections with the end of Pot Prohibition are coming true. But don't look for them to give up soon.
PUERTO RICO: Trumputin is using Hurricane Maria's devastation of Puerto Rico to ethnic-cleanse the island and make it a mobbed-up profit center. Despite fierce opposition from San Juan's sane mayor, Carmen Yulin Cruz, Governor Ricardo Rossello wants to turn over the island's utility and school systems to Trump cronies.
FEMA is re-running its race-based fiasco in New Orleans after Katrina. Amidst soaring emigration and suicide rates, countless US citizens remain without power, shelter, jobs, schools, clean water, and food. Land prices have plummeted, opening the door to corporate speculators. Republicans speak openly about the island as a financial center like Hong Kong or Singapore. The linked Trumputin vision would be a mobbed-up pre-Revolutionary Havana, filled with dirty money-laundering luxury hotels, casinos, and prostitution rings.
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