Article after article from around the world discusses President Trump using 12 Diet Cokes a day, many analyzing a New York Times article. The one below has "several" quotes from President Trump himself on the subject. Because the FDA lies to the public most have no idea aspartame is a killing machine . In the beginning they tried to have the manufacturer, G. D. Searle, indicted for fraud and the FDA Board of Inquiry revoked the petition for approval. Aspartame was never proven safe:
If President Trump has exposed Diet Coke for not working one
would ask why he uses it in the first place. Aspartame is an addictive,
excitoneurotoxic, carcinogenic, genetically engineered drug, adjuvant (immune
stimulator) and teratogen that damages the mitochondria or powerhouse of the
cell and interacts with drugs and vaccines. A dozen Diet Coke's a day can
do serious damage, and even trigger sudden cardiac death, Here are explanations
from several aspartame experts: Below are the real facts. You need more than the
Secret Service to save his life. You have to educate President Trump and
remove the Diet Coke because it contains aspartame, a chemical poison
masquerading as an additive. As neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock said at
a lecture: "Understand the reactions from aspartame are not allergic
but toxic like arsenic and cyanide."
Here are the real facts on what aspartame can do to the president's body
Consider that President Trump does not drink alcohol because that's how his brother died. At least he thinks he is not drinking but what he is getting is methyl alcohol. Here is an indepth article published by the National Health Federation "Rotgut Aspartame: Methanol Mania" - One of my aunts on flying to
Over the years thousands of victims of Rumsfeld's Plague, Aspartame Disease, have called. One victim said, "I got a DUI and all I was drinking was Diet Coke." What happens if you mix diet pop with alcohol? Here are those findings: Here is another study as aspartame can trigger steatohepatitis. Naturally the methanol can cause blindness just like it did during prohibition when thousands died or went blind. Many victims start out with optic neuritis and in the end blindness. Here is a peer reviewed article by Dr. Woodrow Monte - "Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health": Dr. Monte went on to publish a medical text on the methanol called, "While Science Sleeps: A Sweetener Kills",
What's happening to the body with consumption of methanol? Dr. Bowen explained, " "Only after longer aspartame usage does liver damage cause blood methanol levels to measurably rise because the liver mitochondria are so damaged that the liver no longer quickly processes either methyl or ethyl (drink) alcohol. Then the acute methanol poisoning is directly measurable from lab results, as the blood methanol level elevates. This entire sequence or "toxic axis" begins with your very first dose of aspartame. Both acute and chronic poisonings from this methanol toxic axis, and other additive and synergistic aspartame poisonings, steadily accumulate in the aspartame consumer. We continue to get reports of people dying of methanol poisoning. Charles Fleming died and his wife, a Sunday School teacher, for 15 years remains in a prison in
Be warned no diabetic
should ever consume wood alcohol. The FDA did no NOAEL on methanol. Without it
you cannot set an ADI, allowable daily intake. Besides, there is no safe
Dr. Monte said to me recently: "The methanol
produced from Aspartame in the human body is the most dangerous chronic poison
found in the food supply. Non profit industrially funded organizations
like the Methanol Institute and the Formaldehyde Council have been spending
millions of dollars a year to keep the disease causing potential of methanol
from the scientific community........they need to be brought down"
So let's talk about the formaldehyde.
The methanol converts to formaldehyde. Dr. M. Alemany did the Trocho
Study which showed the formaldehyde converted from the free methyl alcohol
embalms living tissue and damages DNA. Here is that study: So what is happening to the President's body? It's
being embalmed. In "Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic", by
H. J. Roberts, MD. he says on page 673: "USDA #13, published in
1908, reported that formaldehyde is poisonous even in small amounts and should
be prohibited for use in food." So the president is being
embalmed. What are the mechanisms of Toxicity? Dr. Roberts explains
on page 674:
"Alcohol dehydrogenase and formaldehyde dehydrogenase are the enzymes
chiefly involved in methanol metabolism. The retina, cornea and liver
have the greatest alcohol dehydrogenase activity. ..The highly reactive
formaldehyde molecule becomes bound to proteins and nucleic acids,
forming adducts. (These are little groupings of formaldehyde molecules that
grow as more molecules become placed on top of existing ones.) They are
difficult to eliminate through usual metabolic pathways."
Dr. Roberts on page 675 explains the pre-embalming. "Inferences by
funeral directors about the "pre-embalming of persons who had been heavy
aspartame consumers initially evoked considerable skepticism... But this theme
kept surfacing. One experienced undertaker literally warned his family
against using diet sodas after repeatedly detecting the deposition of
formaldehyde crystals deposited in the organs of such individuals. Some
funeral directors even insisted on closing the caskets of persons who had
consumed large amounts of aspartame because formaldehyde seeped through the
Dr. Roberts further mentioned "This issue has religious
ramifications. Jewish law forbids embalming because it considers prompt
burial a sign of respect for the deceased."
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