Donald Trump hates losers. How would he deal with earning the legacy as The Greatest Loser in US History?
Current polls show him winning only enough states to earn 186 electoral votes, with the Clinton total being 351. If his new team of a totally inexperienced manager and -guess what?--a pollster, fails to turn it around and quickly, Trump will announce: "I told you it was rigged, and I have proved it! That was my deepest goal: to wake up the American people. I have done that. I have done that.....and now I am refusing to participate any further in this corrupt political system. It is now up to an awakened people to say NO as I am! Thank you; honored media. Now go f*ck yourselves!"
This would not be a landslide; this would be a circus! And I cannot image the Donald Trump I know, a man who loves to win and brag about it, going into the final weeks and days poised to earn the label of The Greatest Loser.
I have seen two signs, in addition to his distaste for losing:
1. He has said the election is rigged and the media biased: this gives him two reasons to drop out and blame the system and media.
2. The last few days, he has been making speeches with a hoarse voice and lack of vigor. He looks like hell! He seemed to be playing up his exhaustion in the last speech I heard....sort of playing for sympathy (This man has worked his ass off!)
This can be dealt with by medication, but he can't prop up a sagging body and weary spirit (it's not fun to lose!) with pills for several months.......and he long ago forfeited the right to sympathy after he mocked a disabled reporter.
I cannot see him losing in the most lopsided landslide in history. I don't think Trump can either. I don't think he will stand for it! I think he would rather go down as the One Guy with the Balls to reject a corrupt system (he willing to accept IF it favored him)...he will portray his dropping out as a gesture of courage and defiance. I will not be destroyed by a corrupt system and a liberal media! he might yell.
If he does drop out, who will replace him>: Pence? Ryan is panting in the House wondering if his 2020 run could come earlier. Romney has his suit pressed as well.
I challenge anyone to present a logic whereby Trump continues this epic fail to the bitter end.