To assume that the system "is strong," and that "Trump has no choice but to resign" and that will suffice, is foolhardy. Donald Trump may well be forced to withdraw from the Oval Office, but make no mistake, he's actively looking for a way to avoid that, and there are plenty of Republican operatives who are aggressively moving to assist in the effort.
This is a concerted, coordinated effort by multiple individuals in positions of power acting in a wide array of official capacities to cancel the results of the November 3rd election. Be prepared.
What we are seeing in moves such as Donald Trump hurriedly installing loyalists in key defense and intelligence positions after having lost the election and Republicans in Congress refusing to acknowledge that Joe Biden won the election and Attorney General Bill Barr sending an open invitation to any US attorney to investigate "allegations of election fraud" and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo predict ing a "smooth transition" -- to a second Trump administration -- and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell back ing Trump's baseless claims of victory and Pennsylvania Republicans planning "extraordinary measures" to delay election results -- all of this, taken in totality, paints a portrait of a coup d'e'tat plot, not in its nascent stages but well on its way.
What Trump and his Republican enablers are doing in military terms is called probing. They are testing defenses, assessing enemy strength, looking for weaknesses they can exploit. They may not have a foolproof plan in place yet, but you can be sure they are, without a doubt, looking for a way for Donald Trump to maintain his grip on power.
While Joe Biden seems the more honorable man, his casual dismissal of the threat posed to his ascendance to the Presidency in and of itself puts him and the Republic at grave risk. These people absolutely do mean business, and he doesn't seem yet to fully grasp that.
In totality, we do see a getting off the bus by White Americans. They've had it with a Republic and a Constitution they see as ceding the power they have enjoyed for three centuries to "lesser peoples." They are truly done with that and the American experiment with it.
White Americans cannot see Donald Trump as the charlatan or preposterous fraud he unashamedly is. White Americans see him as the greatest of great white hopes, their last, best chance to save the America they think still exists, rather than accept the 2020 America that they cannot adapt to or deal with. In their minds this is it, the moment to make their stand.
So by no means, in any way, disregard the threat posed by these quite dangerous and purposeful actions by Trump and his enablers. The 2020 presidential election drama is far from its last act.
Joe Biden was right: this is truly a battle for the soul of the nation. But he is wrong about assuming a conclusion. It certainly is not over yet. .
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