According to the book "Trump Revealed", Donald J. Trump - apparently already a burgeoning psychopath as a child - threw rocks at a neighborhood toddler in a playpen. Sound familiar? So far, Trump has resisted the urge to throw actual rocks at the kids he's penned-up on the southern border - even though he seems quite dedicated to making their lives miserable.
But, he couldn't resist the temptation to throw rocks - in the form of the Covid-19 virus - at America's school children. Trump and fellow APD stalwarts, Pence and DeVos, are now trying to bully the nation's public schools into marching their charges off a contagion cliff so Trump can somehow enhance his chances of reelection.
Trump continues to entertain the delusion that he can jump start the economy before Election Day, and apparently he believes that getting kids back in school this fall is key to achieving that goal.
Parents that have had to keep tabs on their children as well as educate them - or arrange help from surrogates - this Spring and Summer could be preparing for a return to school if not for the criminal incompetence of Trump and his minion's response to the coronavirus pandemic. The U.S. is now the global Covid-19 epicenter. Sending children into the breach of this raging epidemic without careful preparations and safeguards would be unthinkable for most - excluding Trump and his administration, unfortunately.
Anyone believing that Trump and his gang of clueless charlatans could create a coherent and workable national strategy for reopening schools hasn't been paying attention for the last 3 Â ½ years. Of course, the states already proposing mandatory five day school days with full attendance are the states that have proven most unlikely to succeed (Florida and Texas for example).
As of July 8, 45 states are experiencing increased numbers of Covid cases Vs the previous 14 days. The Trump Administration earlier determined that states should establish 14 days of decreased cases in order to proceed to "Phase 2" of a proposed reopening scenario. Phase 2 encompasses reopening schools.
The U.S. has experienced over 3.35M confirmed Covid-19 cases and over 137K deaths - many tens of thousands of which can be laid directly at Donald Trump's doorstep. Unless Covid cases decline drastically during the next six weeks or less, (and, there's absolutely no reason to believe they will) the U.S. is definitely in uncharted territory vis-Ã -vis reopening schools.
But, that doesn't mean that Trump and his Death Cult won't push forward with plans to sacrifice more Americans on the altar of Trump's toxic ego, and that Trump won't persist in throwing rocks at children.