Let's begin with a confession. These are not Tweets by Trump (everyone sees them, ad nauseum). They are Tweets about Trump, by me as it happens. My Twitter feed can be found at https://twitter.com/@tpjmagazine . Since I have just slightly fewer viewers than Trump does (by a factor of one ten thousandth of a percent, give or take), I thought that it would be a good idea to reproduce some of them here. I hope that you agree. With a few emendations/additions here and there, in brackets: [ ], they are in chronological order, from the beginning of 2017.
1. thepoliticaljunkies " @ tpjmagazine: The Clintons and Trump, back then.
http://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/01/03/bill-clinton-hillary-clinton-george-w-bush-to-attend-donald-trump-inauguration/21646712/ " He [Trump] led the "lock her up" cheers at his mob/rallies. Billary going to the Inaug. tells everything about the Clintons.
2. thepoliticaljunkies " @ tpjmagazine 22h 22 hours ago: Trump: Roy Cohn's pupil.
http://www. aol.com/article/financ e/2017/01/09/trumps-proposed-border-tax-will-hit-these-industries-the-hardes/21651060/ " Trump response classic [right out the play-books of his mentor, Roy Cohn, and Lee Atwater]: always attack, never defend. Attack accuser [in this case, Meryl Streep] personally. Deny event took place. Attack media.
3. thepoliticaljunkies " @ tpjmagazineJan 11: RT for Trump? Nah!
https://www.thenation.com/article/rt-america-was-not-pro-trump/Coulda " fooled me. [I was a regular interviewee] on RT until, in an interview I [was] consistently anti-Trump [in my comments]; interviewer [wanted me to be] all anti-Clinton. [They] never called again.
4. thepoliticaljunkies " @ tpjmagazineJan 21: Trump's First Day Priorities
Trump removes Climate Change, LGBT rights, HIV/AIDS, from http://WH.gov, for: Fossil Fuels, Cops Good. Tells everything you need to know.
(Additional note: on his first full day, Reagan shut down the alternative fuels research program that Jimmy Carter had started and removed the solar panels that Carter had had installed on the White House roof.)
5. thepoliticaljunkies " @ tpjmagazineJan 26: Trump, Andrew Jackson, and racism
https://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/01/25/president-trump-hangs-andrew-jacksons-portrait-in-oval-office/21662893/ " Right, for him. Jackson: racist, slave-owner; expelled Native Amers. from land occupied before whites ever got there.
(Additional note: What was even worse, in my view, in Trump's later Code Talkers reception in the Oval Office than the gratuitous use of the "Pocahontas" slur against Elizabeth Warren [a native of the former "Indian Territory," the State of Oklahoma since 1907 --- its over-running by whites began in 1889], was that Trump chose to do the presentation in front of that portrait of Jackson that he had had installed there.)
6. thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazine Feb 14: Trump, Flynn, Russian blackmail?
DOJ [was] afraid Flynn might be black-mailable by Russians. He's gone. When DOJ decides Trump is black-mailable (oh those tapes), is he gone too? [Is this why Trump has recently gone on the offensive against both the FBI and the DOJ/]
7. thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazine Mar 25: Trump loses on Trumpcare: Blames the Dems. (of course)
https://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/03/24/trump-predicts-obamacare-explode-as-he-blames-democrats-trumpcare-failure/22010843/ ". Trump blames Dems. for defeat of Trumpcare. [Again] top student of Repub racist Lee Atwater: "Always attack; never defend."
8. thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazine Aug 16: There is nothing to "Russiagate," Nothing! https://www.dailykos.com/stories/ 2017 / 8 / 10 / 1688548 /-Trump-Called-for-Acting-FBI-Director-s-Firing-Hours-After-Manafort-FBI-Raid?detail=emaildkre " Ah yes. There is absolutely nothing to "Russia-gate." Just put together by the sore losers and "Trump haters." Huh?
9. thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazine Aug 18: Trump, Bannon, and the New Fascist Party. http://money.cnn.com/ 2017 / 08 / 18 /media/steve-bannon-returns-breitbart/index.html", [as Exec. Chair]. Next stop? Trump's Chief of Staff when he resigns as Pres. and sets up his own Far Rightist party. (See also --- click here Trump/Bannon. Trump will resign, pardons to all, "can't work with Repubs;" will start a new fascist party, Bannon [will be Underboss and Consigliere].
[And yes, folks, I still [as of Dec. 28, 2017] believe this will happen, when the Mueller heat gets too hot. Which it will, unless Trump can figure out a way to fire him --- a definite possibility. Of course, then New York State Attorney General Schneiderman and several other Democratic states attorneys general are ready to step in. But that's another story.]
10. thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazine Aug 30: Is Trump really fascist, in the 21st century sense? http://www.distractify.com/trending/ 2017 / 08 / 30 /ZRYps 1 /anne-frank-center-list-of-president-trumps-actions?tse_id=INF_dead 54 d 08 dc 311 e 7 a 7253 d 7 eefa 2109 b. [Is] the Anne Frank Center correct about Trump and heading towards fascism? See, from last year, http://www.greanvillepost.com/ 2016 / 06 / 21 /donald-trump-turning-the-corner-towards-fascism-but-first-lets-define-it"
11. thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazine29s29 seconds ago. Sept. 5: A Russian Politician on "Russia-gate." http://www. independent.co.uk/news/world/eur ope/russia-donald-trump-kompromat-nikita-isaev-new-russia-movement-state-tv-us-president-a7929966.html " Obviously, this Russian politician, who says they have "stuff" on Trump, is part of US "Deep State," out to get him.
12. thepoliticaljunkies"@tpjmagazine. Sept. 30: The real reason Trump fired HHS Sec. Price. https://www.nytimes.com/video/us/politics/ 100000005468371 /tom-price-resigns-trump.html". Why did Trump really fire Tom Price? He wasn't destroying Obamacare from within fast enough.
13. thepoliticaljunkies" @tpjmagazineSept. 30 : Trump's solution to the Puerto Rican Crisis (remember, they are Latinos after all): Build a Wall and have Puerto Rico pay for it.
14. thepoliticaljunkies" @tpjmagazine 29s30 seconds ago, Oct. 16. Sebastian Gorka and fascism. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/ 2017 / 10 / 15 / 1707155 /-Sebastian-Gorka-The-left-has-no-idea-how-much-more-damage-we-can-do-to-them-as-private-citizens?detail=emaildkre". So? You think that fascism is not on the Trump/Bannon/Gorka agenda? Think again: http://www.greanvillepost.com/2016/06/21/donald-trump-turning-the-corner-towards-fascism-but-first-lets-define-it/
15. thepoliticaljunkies" @tpjmagazine 26s27 seconds ago, Oct. 18: Trump's perfect racist tri-fecta. https://www.aol.com/article/news/ 2017 / 10 / 18 /trump-says-congresswoman-totally-fabricated-story-that-he-told-a-soldiers-widow-he-knew-what-he-signed-up-for/ 23247330 / ". The perfect racist trifecta for Trump (who knows what he is doing) [to go after, hammer and tong]: An Afro-American dead soldier, his widow, and [an Afro-American] Congressperson.
16. thepoliticaljunkies" @tpjmagazine Oct. 19: Trump, GW Bush, and the US Ruling Class. https://www.aol.com/article/news/ 2017 / 10 / 19 /george-w-bush-jabs-at-trumps-america-bigotry-or-white-supremacy-in-any-form-is-un-american/ 23249177 /.G.W". Bush, in surprising language, makes it clear where the dominant sector of the US ruling class stands on Trumpism.
17. thepoliticaljunkies" @tpjmagazine, Nov. 20: Trump's Presidential Prayer Team. https://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/. Trump has an official "Presidential Prayer Team." Its seal says: "United States of America: One Nation Under God." This beginning of theocratic government, otherwise known as Dominionism (see Pence, Cruz), was predicted in my book "The 15% Solution" [The 15% Solution: How the Republican Religious Right Took Control of the U.S. 1981-2022: A Futuristic Novel, http://www.puntopress.com/2013/03/23/jonas-the-15-solution-hits-main-distribution/].
Trump, who never prays, but (according to some, not I) may have Alzheimer's Dementia, which could lead him to it.
(Image by maxpixel.freegreatpict...) Details DMCA
18.thepoliticaljunkies" @tpjmagazine, Nov. 28: Trump, Assad, Erdogan, Putin, and the Kurds.http://bipartisanreport.com/ 2017 / 11 / 24 /trump-reportedly-abandons-kurdish-forces-in-syria-after-they-help-u-s-fight-isis/" Want to know about that Trump/Putin phone call? Trump first left [behind] the US's most reliable Middle East ally, the Iraqi Kurds. Now [he is] leaving [behind] the Syrian Kurds, to the tender mercies of Russia's client, the butcher Assad. What does Putin have on Trump? Of course, Erdogan [who is both anti-Kurd and anti-Assad] loves this.
19. thepoliticaljunkies" @tpjmagazine, Dec. 4. Trump's Xmas Tree Lighting: Tens Attend. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/ 2017 / 11 / 30 / 1720034 /-National-Christmas-Tree-Lighting-Tens-Attend?detail=emaildkre 1 ". "National Christmas Tree Lighting: Tens Attend." Another, very weak, Obama/Trump comparo. Poor Donald. What does he do? Bring Spicer back to inflate the numbers? Order Sessions to go after Obama? Blame it all on Hillary? Or Comey? Or Flynn? Oh dear!
20. thepoliticaljunkies " @tpjmagazine22h22 hours ago, Dec. 11. Trump, Diet Coke, Getting High?
https://www. nytimes.com/2017/12/09/us/ politics/donald-trump-president.html ". "Donald Trump consumes a dozen Diet Cokes a day (NY Times." Trump does appear to be high, not "crazy" [click here] but high much of the time. Now we know what he is high on. Speaking as a physician, yes you can get high on the caffeine in a dozen diet cokes per day.
21. thepoliticaljunkies" @tpjmagazine, Dec. 21. Pence slobbering; Trump, Tillerson, and McMaster.http://www.patheos.com/blogs/dispatches/ 2017 / 12 / 21 /pence-slobbers-trump/ " It was fascinating that while Pence slobbered, at a Trump who sat with folded arms and a glare on his face (??), Trump was flanked by Sec. State Tillerson, who has called him a moron, and Nat. Security Advisor McMaster, who has called him an idiot. [What does that make Pence? See the next, and final, tweet, in this series.]
22. thepoliticaljunkies @tpjmagazine, Dec. 22. Pence slobbering, II: Why?
Why does Pence continue to slobber all over Trump? Because he knows that [one way or another, courtesy of God or Bob Mueller, before 2020] he has a very good chance of becoming the next Pres. Then when he runs [for re-election] in 2020, to have any chance [of winning then], he will have to have Trump's base in his hip-pocket. What better way [to get it] than sucking up [to the man] to the enth degree?