With the Russian President more in the news during the last few weeks than in any entire year, Americans are beginning to pay attention, however the media is not helping them to understand Vladimir Putin./
The latest accusation against the Russian leader - following upon the downing of a Malaysian Airlines passenger jet in 2014, sightings of so-called Russian submarines off the Swedish cost last year and the doping of athletes -- is that internal emails of the supposedly neutral Democratic election committee showing Clinton favoritism were hacked by Russians in order to boost Donald Trump's chances of becoming president.
Americans are being told that Trump is favored by Vladimir Putin, but they are not being told why. The why is simple: Russia lost 27 million people during the Second World War against Nazi Germany (to the US's 500,000). Any Russian president would prefer an American candidate who wants to make deals to one who led NATO right up to Russia's European borders, supposedly to make sure that this country that is three times bigger than the US, covering nine time zones, doesn't invade three tiny Baltic countries who between them are probably no bigger than New Jersey.
Warnings of the danger of nuclear war are ubiquitous in the alternative press, but absent from the mainstream, so most voters are oblivious to the fact that Russia is threatening to use tactical nukes if NATO troops set foot inside the country.
With hundreds of thousands of foreign troops and tanks massed on its border, Russia is accused of 'invading' Ukraine (or Crimea, take your pick). Had Russia invaded Ukraine, it would have reached Kiev in a day, deposing the fascist government brought in by a US-sponsored coup in 2014. As for Crimea, Russia has had a naval base there since the time of Catherine the Great, and it has no intention of letting it fall into fascist hands. Luckily for Crimeans, most of them are ethnic Russians, as are most of the inhabitants of the Donbass, which has set up an alternative to the fascist, Russia-hating government in Kiev.
American voters are being asked to choose between a Hillary determined to start World War III, and a Donald strongly suspected of fascist tendencies. However dangerous a Trump victory would be, it has to be said that it's not Putin's job to save America from itself. His job is to save Russia from a fourth invasion and a nuclear war that would decimate us as well.
American voters have never been told that Russia has repeatedly offered to unite with the US against a two-headed fascism: the Islamist and the Neo-liberal. America's refusal to work with Russia on an equal basis in Syria shows it still wants to be number one, regardless of the consequences.
Next Trump/Putin Part 3