FALKLANDS CONFLICT - 12th OCTOBER 1982 - CITY OF LONDON SALUTES THE TASK FORCE the view from outside the Royal Exchange. Interviews by Christine Poole, Lois Wheeler, Suzanne Offen THANKS TO BBC AND ITN NEWS.
(Image by YouTube, Channel: steve johnson) Details DMCA
I'm watching THE CROWN on Netflix, and I'm at the point where Thatcher attends a parade celebrating the winning of the war of the Falkland Islands. It was a joke then and a joke now, but she gained cred for it from some idiot Brits. She spent billions of dollars for what, a symbolic win, while created twice the unemployment that existed before she became Prime Minister. And she was proud that this unemployment was "medicine" to heal the British economy. She makes it clear, in the Netfix series, that caring for the collective people is not good. Sounds like the kind of narcissistic, despicable thinking that Ayn Rand and Donald Trump would engage in-- and more and more, the Republican leadership.
And I thought how, if Trump is watching this show, that he'd regret not having started and won the accolades of winning a war and defeating an enemy, no matter how small. Of course it's not too late. We all know that like a rat using holes created by termites, Trump is burrowing into the nation, defecating leaving his rat-droppings and urinating on democracy and the government and infrastructure.
Woe to the people and institutions who find themselves in the path of an out-of-control, belligerent, floridly malignantly narcissistic psychopath.
And Joe Biden is talking like he's not going to allow investigations of this rabidly evil criminal. As far as I'm concerned, The price for Biden's moving forward is too high. It makes him an accomplice in Trump's evil. I'm convinced that most of, or at least a huge percentage of the people who voted for Biden were more voting against Trump than for Biden. Biden does not have as huge mandate as he may think. He owes a great debt to progressives and so far, it does not look like he's going to show any appreciation to them. Of course, we will all pay the price in 2022 when the pathetic Democratic leadership throws away the majority in the house and loses the opportunity to take the Senate.