Professor Francis Boyle: Update on Coronavirus Link to original interview: v=5snzKNXP-S8 Academic Papers Mentioned: 1, The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus ...
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If UN Secretary General Guterres needs one reason to convene a Pandemic Board of Inquiry focusing on legal ramifications, not medical, this article's topics would just scratch the surface of what must be considered in the strict legal sense, at the highest level of international courts, so that the truth may emerge, however painfully.
Economies all over the world have collapsed because of this "predictable accident" of biowarfare-let's put an end to this infernal waste of money for all time and stop all of the lunatics playing in their laboratories about how to kill more people in less time. "Predictable accidents"? All of this must come to a definite final end.
Because this is volatile subject, allow me to clarify just a few things at the outset. I included the statements of Ebright not to challenge Dr. Boyle, not at all. I included it to corroborate Dr. Boyle because it should be apparent to any perceptive reader that Ebright prevaricates and that he has an obviously mendacious quality coming from his work with the Rutgers BSL3 laboratory and how own Waksman Institute. I believe almost nothing Ebright is saying.
Many virologists who are independent of government funding, agree with Boyle that COVID is DNA genetically engineered, accepting the conclusions of the Indian scientists that Boyle cited. From a layman's point of view, how can an influenza virus of any kind be so lethal that it has no precedent in nature, if it were not engineered in a laboratory. Boyle's assessment and determination of which laboratories is to me the most believable, as complex as it has become to unravel. Unraveling is what he has done and unraveling is what is desperately needed by all nations.
I know Boyle is not a conspiracy theorist. To reiterate, he makes it clear that he believes this to have been a "predictable accident." He should be testifying to several US Senate Committees (and to the entire Senate, if that is allowed).
I remember when the King of Sweden spoke to the entire Senate in 1976, and what Boyle has to say to educate these Senators is far more important in 2020 than the pleasantries about international cooperation given by the King of Sweden in 1976! I also believe he has more right and better grounds to be talking to the press at the White House than Dr. Fauci.
Calling Boyle is a "conspiracy theorist" has been done unfairly and innacurately by mainstream media, the same journalists and same media venues who systematically have impugned his research. If I had thought he was a "conspiracy theorist," I would have never put this article together. As the last part of my article, the article by two students at Harvard came up way short in terms of credibility, which would be obvious to anyone who had read Dr. Boyle's devastating and truthful comments above Harvard Crimson's part of this article, especially given the kind of relative academic nobodies they were quoting.
I think Dr. Boyle should be invited to address the UN General Assembly in September.
I have for some time been intrigued by a comment made in several people's interviews with Dr. Boyle, professor of International Law at the University of Illinois Law School. He said that the pandemic might have been the "result of a predictable accident." Immediately, I was impelled to explore this concept and the brains behind it.
Most importantly in today's world, Dr. Boyle drafted the U.S. domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, that was approved unanimously by both Houses of the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush.
Boyle's biography shows that his background and history make clear that what he says and does in the future deserve the utmost credibility. I think he is a very brave man and people all over the world will in time appreciate his integrity and his truthful findings.
First of all, part of Francis Boyle's Biography:
Boyle received a Bachelor of Arts in political science from the University of Chicago in 1971, went on to Harvard Law School graduating in 1976 magna cum laude, and more at Harvard, a Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science from Harvard University in 1983. He briefly practiced tax law.
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