The website, "Hourworld" introduces the time banking model
as follows
We are social architects who believe people are the true wealth of the world as their talents gracefully flow out to the benefit of all. We are grounded in the principles of simplicity and abundance and in the joy of giving and receiving. It is our desire to help the reclamation of local community prosperity by providing gifts of time, training and tools in a pay it forward model within the Hour Exchange networks of Hourworld.
The United States is not the only country where people are fostering local economies. There are also groups in the United Kingdom who are involved in fostering localized, resilient economies that use hour exchanges as "pay."
This is an important piece to my series regarding local economies here in the States. We are not the only ones fostering local economies. The Mid-Maine Time Bank, which I have reported on, is not isolated. Nor are other Time Banks in the United States isolated in the world.
The movements of Transition Town, Permaculture and Time Banks are much larger than what people realize. These are huge movements; yet continue to receive very little coverage by the media. Why?
I believe that with Transition, Permaculture and, especially Time Banks, many readers and writers on OpEd are not aware of the extent of the evolution going on in our world. Why are they not aware? My sense is that the media does not report on these "goings on".
Why? The answer is inherent in the next question. "Who owns the media?" You know the old saying, "Follow the money!" Could it be because the media is controlled and funded by megalithic corporations that are worldwide? Of course! It could also be that internet media like OpEd take the cap off the bottleneck of information and let the information flow freely.
Perhaps we are on the "cusp" of an evolution. No more revolutions, which entail circular motions. What we need is an evolution fostering a movement away from thousands of years of conditioning regarding how we look at economy. In today's world, we need to reclaim the eco in the term ecology, which speaks to the environment.
Do you consider the time you spend doing something worthwhile? That's the philosophy of Time Banks.
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