Burl B. Hall
Meredith S. Hall
During the 13th century, a powerful and brilliant man named Rumi (1207-1273) lived and loved within the Muslim religion. This great seeker of Cosmic Intelligence has been regarded by many spiritual meditators of all religions as a great mystic, and a passionate lover who lived within the realization of Truth.
Rumi's works speak to Lovers in various Religions, even today. His work and life reveal him as a great mystic, teacher and lover of the Absolute (i.e., Infinity). His love-filled work is birthed within beautiful poetic teachings while revealing the Universal Divine Wisdom and Intelligence, or what I refer to as Sophia. In Her name, Rumi recognized Her in relationship to his Sufi religion in the Middle East. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumi
Rumi often listened to and spoke of the Divine Love. In that Love, God conceives Herself from within Her virginal desire, which in science is referred to as the Unmanifest Implicate Order by physicist David Bohm.
The Unmanifest, in the original ancient teachings in religion, was recognized in the heart of many lovers under the name of Marie. To make Marie more concrete, consider the term Marina in relationship to water, which speaks of the oceanic universe as in space. Marie ultimately is undifferentiated matter, i.e., the infinity of space; which is the empty womb awaiting the pregnancy that brings manifestation. Nowhere is the mother of Now Here!
Now that we've spoken to Marie being undifferentiated matter, let's consider the dreaded End of Time. The "End of Time" is simply our realization of the Eternal Now. To make this simple: even if you have a memory of the past, that manifestation of your memory is Now Here! It can't be otherwise. It's always now, just as you are sitting reading these words in the now! That past you referred to when you picked up a pair of socks an hour ago is now present in your mind.
In India's Taoism, the unified (i.e., Mary/Married) terms are "Yin" (Female-Black-Undifferentiated mass) and "Yang" (Masculine-Light-differentiated). Each is good and, indeed, essential to the other.
In our sexuality, a woman is more oval (i.e., cyclical, no-thing, the number "0", potential) while the male is more linear (i.e., straight lines, something, the number "1", manifestation).
For fun, let's now consider a baby being born. If the baby is a girl, isn't it true there are two X chromosomes. If the baby manifests as a boy, he would have a "Y" chromosome alongside the "X" chromosome. Isn't the "Y" missing the right leg making it an "X"? Thoughts?
Regarding how we came to what we thought of as the world, my hypothesis is that women, during the time of the writing of Genesis 2, were losing their power. The time of this was probably around 5,000-10,000 + years ago (give or take some). That speaks to the notion of what is referred to in the Book of Genesis 2 when Eve (women) becomes a secondary thought. What thoughts are in your mind regarding this?
Our political religions are based on masculine power over and feminine subservience under. My point is that God ultimately is within us in our Femininity (power within) as well as our Masculinity (power upholding us from without. Yes, they are opposites. However, opposites are NOT truly warring factions, i.e., oppositions.
Opposites are mirror images. Look into your mirror, as an example. Can we understand left and right are mirrors of each other? Would you look silly if you took your right hand and slapped your left hand upside the head? Could the externalized male reflect the internalized female as an opposite without opposition? Could we foster no Battle of the Sexes?
Can you also realize the mirrors of male and female in yourself with males primarily being external and females internal? Isn't it true that we are more externalized in our culture? Is that partially what has fostered our pollution of the planet, and our own minds as reflected in the likes of Trump?
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