In his scathing testimony before the US Congress, top NASA scientist James Hansen said that we've surpassed the “breaking point” (that is, to “break” the Earth's fever) some 20 years ago. There are skeptics, like Oklahoma's US Senator James Inhofe, who in January of 2005 defended his statement that, “(global warming) is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American People”... He uses terms like “environmental extremists” and their “elitist organizations”. Can someone please tell this “loon” to fly to the moon and never come back???
In the “New World Order” George H.W. Bush proclaimed nearly 20 years ago—where businesses are free to make ill and kill people, and wreak havoc on the environment with impunity—he made it clear that Corporate World would own the media; The People; and even the US Constitution. And what he preached (or at least had “wet dreams” of) has all come to fruition: corporations can do whatever the hell they please, and they will be bailed-out by the bought-and-paid-for “Neo-Con” Supreme Court that “Pappy” and his “Tater Tot” son cherry-picked! Telecom corporations now have the “rights”, or “blessings”, from the President and all his men (from the Vice President all the way down to the lowliest House member who has enabled this insanity to go on and “own” these United States) to listen-in on our so-thought private phone conversations; check our emails; and view the Websites we've visited, and it's all “legal”! The crux of our Constitution—habeas corpus—has been stripped from all who are US citizens, and foreign nationals on US soil—and, people, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is US soil!!!
If there is one thing I “hate” (and my God and my Bible command me not to do so, but, as an imperfect human being, I cannot!), it's that wanting to see a peaceful world; real energy independence; not calling people, or not-for-profit organizations people belong to, extremists because they speak “common sense” about legislation that will affect all people on Earth; and allowing “sickos” like Bill O'Reilly to say that sexually abused and abducted boys, like Shawn Hornbeck “liked... his circumstances”, or CNN Headline News' Glenn Beck can compare Al Gore's education of the dangers of global warming to Hitler's use of eugenics... well, it makes me so sick, so angry I could start kicking down the doors to their homes (like we do to Iraqis), roughing-up their women, and screaming obscenities at them, but I wouldn't do that, because I still believe in the “Golden Rule”.
I believe people are getting sick and tired of what's going on because they know it's wrong, and no matter how many protests they hold; no matter how many picket lines they form; and no matter how many blogs they post online, they are never heard of, nor from, in the “mainstream” media. Tim Russert (God rest his soul), I hate to say (truly), was just as culpable for “the tube” telling us who we are going to like and vote for when it comes to our elected officials.
The truth is people are crying-out for justice; equality; the “re manufacturing” of our “manufacturing base”; health care for all (read-up on H.R. 676—“Medicare for All”, which is single-payer health insurance that would guarantee everyone medical coverage... Not affordable coverage, but “just” coverage); an end to endless war; energy independence; and an all-out more peaceful world... How many of you know the “ONLY” candidate for President of the United States who has historically stood for all this and more is Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich??? Yet we, “The People”, never, ever get to hear what this man has to say on our “mainstream” media outlets. We do hear, however, that he sees UFO's while at Shirley MacLaine's home in Washington State, but not that he wants to provide we, The People, what we so truly and desperately need; not “want”, but “need”.
The song “Something in the Air” says, “We've got to get together sooner or later, because the revolution's here... And you know it's right... And you know that it's right”. The time is right for revolutionary change... I have my fears and doubts about Barack Obama, but it is my deepest and sincerest hope that his platform of “change” will bring-about the revolution that is upon us because, for better or worse, revolution is a'comin'.