In VP Biden's defense, he was just playing his part in the show. Paul Ryan tells a joke, Joe Biden laughs at said joke; you know out of courtesy. I mean can we really conside anything said by a campaign which according to a recent study by misleads the American people 26% of the time. And to Joe Biden's credit, he held his laughter when Paul Ryan laid the bringest whopper of them all on the viewers at the end of the debate. Paul Ryan actually had the audacity to say he would bring honesty to the position of the Vice Presidency; God is he delusional.
Honestly, how is Mitt Romney as close as he is. Does the truth matter anymore, does character? I know the President is't perfect, no man is.But at least he has character, at least you know what Barack Obama believes in. And it doesn't change every couple of hours. Mitt Romney can't even stand up for Mitt Romney. Romney wavers any time one of his actual beliefs comes out. Mitt Romney is the modern day Conservative dream President. As Grover Norquist stated:
Pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become president of the United States. This is a change for Republicans: the House and Senate doing the work with the president signing bills. His job is to be captain of the team, to sign the legislation that has already been prepared. (click here)
Didn't we already see what happens when Grover Norquist's get's the Conservative dream candidate elected. Massive Tax Cuts for thsoe who don't need the Tax Cuts, two wars that Republicans now want to pay for with the Social Programs many Americans depend on, a giant donut hole, deregulation for the sake of deregulation and an economy on the brink. It seems to me that Conservatives are only fiscally responsible when they aren't in the White House.
Unfortunately, low voter turnout and a misguided belief that the victory was secured in 2008 has allwoed the Far Right to get the wind back in their sails . Two years after the low voter turnout of 2010 we are faced with a chance to remove the obstructers who came in on the guise of job creation. Instead the American people have recieved a social agenda that none of us asked for. A Party of naysayers betting against the American people. A Republican Congress that has tried to move heaven and earth not to create a stronger America, but to ensure Barack Obama is a one term President.
The very behaivor of Conservatives in Congress, in State Legislatures, Governorships, the Presidential Campaign, hell even in city councils is where all the laughter is coming from. I for one hope the President frustrates Mitt Romney in the way Joe Biden frustrated Paul Ryan. When the Republicans resort to lies, Democrats have to resort to ridicule. The laughter is the only credible response a Conservative mindset that subsitutes facts for fiction. And if Liberals don't get the vote out and get engaged these next few weeks the Republicans fictions becomes the Nations reality; and that is no laughing matter.